YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Tutorial on a Dont Drink and Drive Persuasive Speech

Essays 1 - 30

Tutorial on a 'Don't Drink and Drive' Persuasive Speech

driver said the incident happened because the sun was glaring in his eyes (MADD, 1999). Millie and Roy Webb were traveling with ...

California and Drunk Driving

In five pages California is examined in this consideration of drunk driving with conditions discussed and a decade long study exam...

Driving Under the Influence Narrative Essay

a life sentence and serves mandatory long-term sentences. When someone decides to pull the trigger, they have made a conscious dec...

A Proposal for the Problem of Drinking and Driving

not hold him accountable. If he was that drunk, one would not expect him to be able to make an appropriate decision about driving....

Driving While Under the Influence of Alcohol

This research paper offers an overview of drunk driving accidence statistics, a brief description of penalties and a discussion of...

Drunk Driving - The Psychological Roots

In a paper of eight pages, the writer looks at drunk driving. The relationship between drunk driving and aggressive personalities ...

Using the Sociological Imagination to Interpret a Personal Situation

in society, sometimes, norms are let go of for a variety of reasons. Durkheim (1997) writes: "The hypercivilization... breeds the ...

Unsafe Driving Practices

In this essay consisting of three pages the risks of talking on a cell phone while driving are discussed and described as being as...

Speech Analysis on Globalization

been accompanied by the realisation of the way in which the past has impacted on both the globe and also on the individuals within...

A Speech Analysis

Lee Brown's speech on the 'drug war' deliverd in May of 1994 is the focus of this paper consisting of three pages and is presented...

Speech Analysis

role to his advantage, Mr. Brown complimented his words with what he alleged were statistical facts and related raw data. Pro...

Nixon's Resignation Speech

is the fact that afterwards, he participated in cover-up efforts and thereby became guilty of obstruction of justice (Nassivera 22...

In Favor of Zero Tolerance Drug Policy in High School

in which "many public schools have adopted a policy of zero tolerance toward drug use, weapon possession and sexual harassment on ...

U.S. Immigration Limiting

on any further immigration. If this is not implemented and adhered to, he projects the United States population will top three hu...

Abilities of New Young Drivers

over-represented in alcohol related driving accidents. Although drinking, binge drinking, and alcohol related crashes are droppin...

Drinking, Driving, Moral and Legal Obligations

in contact with drinkers to take action against them. From a legal perspective, the Canadian Restaurant and Food Associatio...

Campaigns Against Drunk Driving

In five pages campaigns designed to prevent drunk driving are examined in this overview of various techniques employed along with ...

A Tutorial on Air Pollution

In a tutorial consisting of five pages the issue of air pollution is explored in a manner that instructs the student how to pose a...

Solutions for Community Problems

addition to simply abiding the law and hoping for the best. Check points do help to resolve the situation. In White Plains, New Y...

A System Analysis in the context of Criminal Justice

four will be examined: A definition of the problem; a description of the offender population; a description of community involveme...

Equilibrium and Drinking Water Purification

surface waters but also her groundwaters. One of the most pressing of the groundwater concerns facing our chemist, of cou...

Dangers of Teenage Drinking

in the first place. Another argument, alluded to in the beginning, involves the body. The student could take the following...


asked to describe the six macroeconomic environments within the larger macro environment, and discuss the trends and theories pert...


There are a couple of target markets for this particular product. The main target market will be young drivers, between the ages o...

Drunk Driving and Essay on Claim of Policy

but the most predominantly dangerous group that consistently gets behind the wheel is underage youth. According to the Center for...

Teens and Drunk Driving

categories (Turrisi, 2004). Being under the legal drinking age has little impact upon the problem itself (Turrisi, 2004)....

Underage Drinking Opinions

a fact of life, and one can choose to drink or not. If American youngsters were taught to handle alcohol from an early age in the...

New Jersey Laws Regarding DWI and DUI

or she is guilty no matter what their disposition had been at the time (Marootian, 2005). Between .08% and .10% is considered to b...

Assessing and Presenting BevCo's New Product

BevCo, a fictitious drinks company, wants to develop a new drink. The paper is written in two sections; the first examines the op...

How Should Coca-Cola Compete in the Alternate Beverage Market?

Coca Cola may be the leader in the soft drinks market, but it is in second place in the global alterative beverage market, and thi...