YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Urban Land Supply Drivers and Constraints in Beijing

Essays 91 - 120

Property Rights of Native Americans

In seven pages this paper discusses the Native American views on land ownership in a consideration of culture, sovereignty, and th...

The Evolution of Urban Areas from the Middle Ages to the Present

This 5 page paper discusses the way in which the relationship between man and his environment has determined the economic, social ...

Ancestral Georgia Lands of the Cherokee

In five pages this paper considers Native American land rights in a consideration of the U.S. government forcibly removing the Geo...

Running Water Effects on Land Formation

In six pages the various effects upon land formation such as colluvium, alluvium, deposition, and erosion are defined and explaine...

Pastoring in the City

This paper reports an interview with an urban pastor. The writer identifies the pastor's theology and philosophy and provides a lo...

Urban Church in Queens

Urban ministers need to remember their primary mission, according to Pastor Etwaru, from the Global Christian Ministries in Queens...

Marketing of the Discovery by Land Rover North America

Land Rover Discovery. The Discovery has been adapted to the US market, the brand role is similar to the Range Rover, but scourin...

Southwestern Forest Land Management and Land Grants

In ten pages this paper discusses the Southwest U.S. in a consideration of Spanish land grants and the controversy involving manag...

New York City - Urban Planning

This 10 page paper discusses the way in which urban planning has transformed New York City since the end of the Civil War. The wri...

Urban Black Male Adolescents

families often have little access to health care services (Bauman, Silver and Stein, 2006). In many cases, access is provided thro...

Covenants; Australian Law

or users of the land. However, some instances may be seen as singular in the benefit they bestow. In the case of Osborne v. Bradl...

Due-on-Sale in Michigan

"Except for a residential window period loan, a lender may enforce a due-on-sale clause in a real property loan in accordance with...

Chinese Olympics and International Relations

The following examination and analysis of current literature endeavors to determine the role of the 2008 Olympic Games as an issue...

Beijing Jeep Case Study

in China before the joint venture took place. The BJ series is based on a Jeep used by the Russian army during the war. However, i...

"Mama Might Be Better Off Dead," A Book Review

This essay offers a book review of Linda K. Abraham's book "Mama Might Be Better Off Dead: The Failure of Urban of Urban Heath Car...

Cry of the Urban Poor by Viv Grigg

This book review is on Viv Grigg's Cry of the Urban Poor, which relates the author's experiences living and ministering to the urb...

Adult Learning Theories, An Article Summary/Chen

This article summary describes a study, Chen (2014), which pertains to nontraditional adult students and the application of adult ...

Afghanistan Development - Review And Recommendations

nations employ many Afghans. On April 29-30, 2007, Afghanistan held the Fourth Afghanistan Development Forum (ADF) in Kabul (Afg...

Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)

Security; Governance Rule of Law & Human Rights; Infrastructure & Natural Resources; Education; Health; Agriculture & Rural Develo...

Greensboro Sit-Ins

turned into many as the protest continued for almost 6 months.5 In addition, it sparked many other protests throughout the South a...

Computer System Project

This 10 page paper looks at the way a project to install a computer system in a shop may be planned. The paper focuses ion the pla...

Homeland Security, INS and Epidemiology

problems, but refugees are perhaps most at risk, since many of them "come from areas where disease control, diagnosis and treatmen...


place concurrently at the same time) rather than consecutively (one at a time after each other). Possible paths Total number of ...

Assessment of an IT Web Site

include a jobs section as well as a section containing white papers across a large number of different areas such as SOX complianc...

Literature Review for Use in a Project on Leadership in Kuwait

or values. It is by understanding leadership and its influences that the way leadership may be encouraged and developed in the con...

Planning and the External Environment

met. To consider the way planning takes place at all levels the process itself and the approaches can be examined. Mintzberg (et...

Developing a Marketing Plan for Viagra

to influencers Pfizer may appeal to men who would not otherwise come forward. It is undertaken in a tasteful manner, in line with ...

Organized Crime Syndicates and Commercial Burglaries

but commercial burglaries are up (Star Tribune 02B). For many reasons, burglars find commercial establishments a better target th...

Judaism in the Works of Franz Kafka

In five pages the ways in which Judaism ins represented in Franz Kafka's works are examined with an emphasis upon his story 'Metam...

Antitrust Issues and Internet Explorer of Microsoft

In five pages this paper examines the Department of Justice's antitrust case against Microsoft and issues regarding the Internet E...