YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Victorian England and the Rural Life Philosophy of Richard Jeffries

Essays 211 - 240

2 Perspectives on Italian Renaissance Humanism

In six pages this paper presents the argument that an adequate overview of the humanism of the Italian Renaissance can be achieved...

Life and Death Concepts as Perceived by Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle

In six pages this research paper considers how the death concept was applied to the scheme of life through the classical Greek phi...

Philosopher and Mathematician Pythagoras

In fifteen pages Pythagoras' life and his contributions to science, mathematics, and philosophy are discussed. There are 6 source...

Philosophies of Anzia Yezierska and Frederick Douglass

In six pages the similar philosophies of Russian Jewish author Anzia Yezierska of New York's Lower East Side and freed slave Frede...

Organizational Management and Philosophies of Chester I. Barnard

In a paper consisting of fourteen pages the early 20th century organizational management theorist Chester I. Barnard is considered...

Theologian John Duns Scotus' Life and Scholasticism School of Thought

In ten pages which also includes an outline of one page this theologian from the thirteenth century is considered in an overview o...

Aristotle's Life and Contributions to Western Civilization

negative effects. His father was named Nichomachus and he belonged to the clan or guild of the Asclepiadae (Ross 1; Randall 12)...

Social Responsibility, Ethics, Sports, and Philosophy

of medicine, law, and theology has been expanded tremendously, however. Now there are professionals in practically every field an...

Philosophies of William David Ross

If we accept the premise, therefore, that science is capable of defining physiological death then we must ask ourselves how do we ...

Inability to Ever Justify Cheating

to properly identify herself surely saved lives. In the hypothetical situation at hand, there is no heroism, so it would be diffic...

Poetics vs. Apology, Comparing Plato and Aristotle

Plato's Apology and Aristotle's Poetics are both considered masterpieces of ancient Greek philosophy. This report compares the two...

Philosophy of Forrest Gump

Forrests mother has been able to instill a quiet sense of self worth in Forrest. Despite what anyone says to him, Forrest knows wh...

Case Study on Making Ethical Decisions

hospital quite naturally is concerned about the cost of continuing to provide care for Andrew, but it can be assured that there is...

Social Contributions of Immanuel Kant

the work goes on to Part II and is headed Metaphysical first principles of the doctrine of virtue. This is also further subdivided...

Life and Concepts of Karl Marx

that created a chasm between the haves and the "have nots." With people working for the government, and each getting an equal stip...

Beuys and Warhol, Two Different Artists

The life of Joseph Beuys began as a very conservative one as he was the only child born in a Catholic middle class family in Krefe...

The Philosophy of Soren Kierkegaard Applied to a Case Study Analysis

her actions as an individual and as a member of the military? Or is there a different moral principle at play? Only Hester can say...

Socrates' Life and Relevance

things in the sky and below the earth, who makes the worse argument the stronger " (cited in Ross, 2000, p. PG). This is a formula...

'An Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living' Contention of Socrates

Applying Socrates' philosophy to one's own life is the focus of this paper consisting of five pages. Four sources are cited in th...

Everyday Life and the Morality Aspects of Virtue and Vice

In eight pages the issues considered in Vice and Virtue in Everyday Life by Sommers and Sommers are discussed as they relate to al...

Ethics of the Epicureans

his letter to Men?ceus. In it, he tells Men?ceus that it "is right then for a man to consider the things which produce happiness,...

Life and Career of William Randolph Hearst

William Randolph Hearst's life, journalistic career, and news philosophy are discussed in a paper consisting of twelve pages. Eig...

Interpreting the Constitution

Interpreting the U.S. Constitution is something that many jurists spend their lives trying to accomplish. This paper examines how ...

Career of Frederick Douglass

In six pages this research paper examines Frederick Douglass's amazing life and career with his philosophy of empowerment emphasiz...

Ethical And Aesthetic Perception

This paper addresses how emotions relate to ethical and aesthetic perception. The author examines various philosophies people use...

Dance and Merce Cunningham

In ten pages this paper examines the life, choreography, and philosophy of Merce Cunningham. Eight sources are cited in the bibli...

Aristotle’s Thinking

and civilization. This paper considers his works, his worldview, his influence on his most famous student, Alexander, and how he b...

An Analysis of a Case Study Regarding a Life and Death Decision

Kamath (2007) goes through all the possible outcomes regarding this dilemma. He explains that if the operation goes forth, there a...

Freedom Determinism More

Different theological philosophies attribute free will and freedom to different other theories. This paper explores libertarian fr...

Development of an Individual Value Framework

go beyond the generally accepted rights and wrongs, which may be taught in religions but are rarely seen within the law, such as c...