YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :You Touched Me and The Horse Dealers Daughter by D H Lawrence
Essays 1 - 30
lost. This brings us to one of the differences in the story, yet it also involves a similarity. With Mabel we have a woman who ...
In five pages this paper examines how short stories depict love in terms of similarities and differences found in Susan Minot's 'L...
feels about herself. Mable, left to pretty much fend for herself after her fathers death, must struggle to maintain the household...
she thinks this man must love her. She thinks, suddenly, that he does not, and in all honesty, he does not love her for he has onl...
she goes about her work and the family talks around her. As one author notes, "None of the sons address the sister as they do each...
In five pages this short story by D.H. Lawrence is subjected to a Freudian psychoanalytical interpretation with the character of M...
In five pages modernist literature is examined in a contrasting and comparison of the characters Mabel featured in 'The Horse Deal...
many years, that she hardly heard them at all" (Lawrence). In these references it is quite clear that Mabel is essentially...
be physically there in the production; the idea that she has a handicap, according to Williams, need only be suggested. The proble...
In four pages this paper analyzes the D.H. Lawrence short story in terms of determining the young doctor's motivations. There are...
In this paper containing five pages this short story is evaluated in terms of its sociological aspects. There are two additional ...
The theme of awakenings in Lawrence's story is considered in terms of Jack's emotions and Mabel's sexuality in a discussion consis...
In five pages the story's juxtapositioning of the subconscious and conscious of main characters Jack Fergusson and Mabel Pervin is...
mind, the following paper examines some of the characters in Lawrences story, focusing on Mabel and Mr. Ferguson, as they relate t...
1918, but there are no existent early drafts until the 1919 version, which was published at this time in a Cambridge edition of La...
His soul seemed to melt...He had never thought of loving her...When he rescued her and restored her, he was a doctor, and she was ...
In 3 pages this paper examines how materialism is portrayed within D.H. Lawrence's short story 'The Rocking Horse Winner' and by G...
hospital, in another town, with a crushed leg, She talks to her son, "almost as if she were thinking aloud to him, and he took it...
years old. Much of his literary talent was applied to the task of making mankind aware of his intimate attachment to nature. Law...
"was a former schoolteacher, greatly superior in education to her husband. Lawrences childhood was dominated by poverty and fricti...
life. And, it is the needless greed that is the culprit of death. This story could easily be seen as a story that preaches the ...
clear that there are some very mysterious things taking place within the story. We note this first in the presence of the house wh...
and, determined to prove to his mother that he is not unlucky like his father, Paul supernaturally begins the attempt to change th...
in luck. The boy associates luck with money because his house seems to speak constantly of needing more money. He tells his mother...
world, in which society is restructuring itself after the devastation of the war - a devastation which T, at least, seems to feel ...
doing all the time; he is even privy to their thoughts and feelings. This is different from a first person narrator ("I took a wal...
of passion in their lives, this somber existence. The mood is also set by the tone as it develops along with the plot. In Lawrence...
Oscar often refers to "filthy lucre" (Lawrence 922). His mother explains that luck is "what causes you to have money. If youre l...
concerned with the cultural deterioration which was inevitable after the wars catastrophic destruction. Two of these authors most...
inherent ability to pursue even the most complex of concepts. Not unlike his myriad other works, which include the famous Floweri...