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Essays 31 - 60

A Review of The Awakening

A 5 page essay exploring the book by Kate Chopin. 1 source....

Chopin's The Story of an Hour

studying the nature outside the window, and begins to allow us to see that she is experiencing something far more profound and far...

Social and Cultural Influence of 'The Storm' by Kate Chopin

of the elements made her laugh as she lay in his arms. She was a revelation in that dim, mysterious chamber; as white as the couch...

1st Movement of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony and Sonata Form

Reason, that is the Enlightenment, in which Beethoven wrote. In order to understand how the first movement of Beethovens Fifth S...

Analysis of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony's Last Two Movements

that is first introduced by the cellos and double basses (Machlis 227). In this manner, the basic rhythm of the first movement is ...

An Evaluation of the Ninth Symphony by Beethoven

(Lieberman, 1996). Rather the musical sense of what is happening coalesces slowly, as if out of a mist. In the opening bars, the v...

Beethoven's Ninth Symphony Concert Report

The opening timpani set the stage for this new mood, while simultaneously recalling the main theme of the first movement. This is ...

Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony/An Analysis

motive over and over again in different forms (Grove 149). The lyrical second theme introduces a brief respite of relaxation, bu...

Beethoven's String Quartets

al). Middle quartets: In the middle-period works, his fully mature form is evident, as Beethoven pushes the boundaries of Classi...

Controversy and Kate Chopin

American women writers exposed in their fiction the link between institutional and sexual exploitation of women and female mutenes...

A Comparison between a Classical and a Romantic Symphony

the "almost terrifying" manner in which Beethoven pursues the underlying motif (Machlis, 1970, p. 225). The second movement, And...

Analysis of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony

message within the context of the overall construction of the work (Gibbs). The second movement (Andante con moto) presents a ly...

Beethoven's Fifth, Mozart's No. 40

(Machlis 225). The Exposition concludes with a short section, the codetta, which restates the basic rhythm (Machlis 225). The tr...

An analysis of Beethovern's Music in Immortal Beloved

through the use of rolling chords that softly underscore the melody line in the treble, while octaves sound in the bass like dista...

Beethoven's Ninth & The Classical Era

Joy" to music during his early years in Bonn, which would mean that he was considering the basis for the Ninth as early as 1792 (L...

An Evaluation of The String Quartet in C Minor by Beethoven

forward; however, Beethoven also "applies a double set of brakes" by keeping the tempo firmly in check (Steinberg, 1994, p. 164). ...

How C Minor Provides a Commonality for Many of Beethoven's Works

Three sonatas make up Opus 10 and mark a move by Beethoven toward new musical territory (Lockwood, 2003). These strongly contrasti...

Beethoven's Eroica

goes that Beethoven was inspired by the principles of the French Revolution and, specifically, the person of Napoleon Bonaparte in...

Borealis String Quartet Concert Report

constantly surprising the listener with Beethovens powers of invention and resourcefulness (Steinberg, 1994). Interestingly, bef...

The First Movement of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony

The first movement of the Fifth Symphony by Beethoven is discussed in the context of this research report. Various issues are addr...

Chopin, Pianist & Teacher

pianists hand that the "music seems almost to play itself" (Machlis 84). Therefore, it is probably not surprising that so many o...

Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)

Security; Governance Rule of Law & Human Rights; Infrastructure & Natural Resources; Education; Health; Agriculture & Rural Develo...

The Power, and Pain, of Freedom: Chopin’s The Story of an Hour

grows a bit fearful. "There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully...she felt it, creeping out of the s...

3 Expert Tales of Death

later in the story, Montressor relates that his family was once "great and numerous" (Poe 146). The use of the past tense indicate...

Feminism and The Awakening by Kate Chopin

it. Chopin reveals little of Ednas background, but what she does tell the reader is very significant (Taylor and Fineman 35). Edna...

Chopin and Glaspell: Marriage and Society

in society, regardless of time. In the time period of Chopins work one assumes it takes place towards the end of the 19th century...

Chopin’s Story of an Hour

dies "of heart disease--of the joy that kills" (Chopin). Her position in the story seems to be one of a woman who has simply res...

American Literature: Realism

one could present. In Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper her story, which is fictional, is actually based largely on her own experienc...

Chopin/The Awakening/Suicide as Closure

the beginning of the novel? Why does Edna not try to follow the same path as her artistic mentor, Mm. Reisz, who lives the indepen...

Death in Chopin’s The Story of an Hour

her emotions to get the better of her. But, then again, if one looks back in history, at the time this story was written, that hea...