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Essays 31 - 60

'Paradise Lost' by John Milton and Disobedience Themes

he learns that his sons will fight and one will die. Thus, the reciting of the story is a punishment for Adam, a demonstration of ...

'Paradise Lost' by John Milton, Christianity, and Classics

very important fact when considering the relationship between the classics and Christianity in Miltons poem by stating the followi...

'Paradise Lost' by John Milton and the Importance of Obedience and Freedom

to have stood, though free to fall" (Milton Book III). In this we see that Adam had the freedom to make a choice, and in that free...

'Paradise Lost' by John Milton and Theological Issues

in his Creation in Heaven and Earth; he himself is a voice, his person invisible and unknowable. But he is fully manifest in the ...

'Paradise Lost' by John Milton, Free Will and Predestination

In six pages this paper discusses how Milton explores the issues of predestination and free will in 'Paradise Lost.' One source i...

Hierarchy and Authority in 'Paradise Lost' by John Milton

In a paper that consists of 10 pages the Milton's conntention that Adam and Eve's fall was due to the rejection of the husband ove...

Issues in 'Paradise Lost' by John Milton

In five pages 'Paradise Lost' by John Milton is analyzed in a discussion of such issues as the poet's perceptions of women, Satan,...

Adam's Fall and Paradise Lost by John Milton

In five pages Paradise Lost by John Milton is examined in an analysis of the fall of Adam....

Adam's Characterization in Paradise Lost by John Milton

In nine pages Adam's characterization and the contributing factors to the Fall are considered within the context of Paradise Lost ...

Fall of Adam in Book IX of Paradise Lost by John Milton

In five pages this paper analyzes Book IX of Paradise Lost in an examination of Adam's fall. There is one other source cited in t...

Humanity's Fall in Paradise Lost by John Milton

In five pages this paper evaluates whether or not there was a Fall in the biblical interpretation presented by John Milton in his ...

Adam's Fall and the Reasons Presented in Paradise Lost by John Milton

In three pages this paper discusses Milton's reasons for writing this epic poem and the sympathy generated for Adam and Eve that r...

Guidance of the Angel Raphael in Paradise Lost by John Milton

In ten pages this paper analyzes the guide role of the angel Raphael in the epic poem Paradise Lost by John Milton....

Wrong Conclusion in Paradise Lost by John Milton?

In six pages this paper discusses how another conclusion would have fared in a philosophical analysis of Paradise Lost by John Mil...

Desire and Chastity in The Faerie Queene by Edward Spenser and Paradise Lost by John Milton'

287), and "Daughter of God and man, immortal Eve," (Milton 288). But for the first time, Eve comes up with an idea that shows her ...

'Paradise Lost' by John Milton and the Bible's King James Version

In five pages this paper examines how the English language developed in an assessment of the Bible's King James version and 'Parad...

Attitudes and Free Will in the Book of Genesis and Paradise Lost by John Milton

in clear opposition to what is found in Genesis. The student will want to point out that Adam and Eve can easily relate...

Paradise Lost and the 'Grand Style' of John Milton

previously, sometimes Miltons works, especially the one under consideration, are approached with confusion and awe. This is furthe...

Comparison of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, and 'Paradise Lost' by John Milton

God had created an idyllic paradise for man, and it was only when a winged Satan invaded the peaceful calm and inflicted his exist...

'Paradise Lost' by John Milton and Lack of Intervention by God

literary critics, philosophers, and even theologians have questioned and considered for centuries. That Which Cannot be Known A...

Poetic Analysis of 'Paradise Lost,' Book 5, Lines 563-576

What is often referred to as the center of John Milton's poem is analyzed in this paper consisting of five pages. Two sources are...

Paradise Lost by Milton

a culture who they are, and they celebrate a culture for "what it is" (Johnston). And, being that Milton was a Protestant, this wo...

Paradise Lost

all, all part of the threat that Adam and Eve are intricately involved in but yet know nothing about. It is a very interesting and...

Satan & Frankenstein’s Monster

repulsive in appearance and Satan was transformed by his own evil, becoming increasing ugly as the poem proceeds. As this suggests...

Writing Stylistic Comparisons of John Milton and Timothy Findley

In five pages this paper examines how the writing styles of each author develops the characterizations of Satan in 'Paradise Lost'...

Women and the Concept of Gender in Paradise Lost

This paper looks at the conceptualization of gender within the context of Milton's Paradise Lost. The writer discusses some of the...

John Milton/Paradise Lost

of the monarchy due to his support of the Commonwealth (John Milton). Married three times, he spent his later years dictating to h...

Images of Light and Dark in "Paradise Lost"

differ. But we are not interested here in the themes of the work but in its imagery. Further, as is well-documented, many readers...

Judas and Eve: Evil Deeds

is seen as a simple woman as well, a woman who loves her husband, is perhaps desiring of sexual relations with him, and ultimately...

The Happy Fault in Paradise Lost

more joyful than creation itself. Then he adds: "Light out of darkness! full of doubt I stand, / Whether I should repent me now of...