YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Private Team Sports Facilities and City Financing

Essays 1 - 30

Private Team Sports Facilities and City Financing

notes that in the 1990s alone: "30 new professional sports facilities have been built at...

Funding Options for Small, Recreational Facilities

This paper addresses current trends in funding options available for small, recreational facilities. The author examines topics o...

Racial Issues in Sport

clubs of a period of 16 years between 1978 and 1993. The theory was that if there was a competitive market for players each clubs ...

Economics and Political Influences in Sport

may be akin to saying to the leading fast-food chains, such as McDonalds, Burger King KFC etc, and telling them that they will all...

Analysis of Opening an NYC Sports Bar

is named "Fans A Lot." COMPANY DESCRIPTION Company Mission When it comes to launching any company or organization, there ...

Benjamin Rader/American Sports

of sport and leisure, it seems that Benjamin Rader (2003) does a good job in outlining the relationship between the advent of citi...

Trends in Public Housing in Virginia

educational improvement. Previously a respected public school, it now serves only those of the district who cannot afford a priva...

Finances and the 1980s' Team Kansas City Zephyrs

of not only the facilities but any concession stands and concessions that might be used. Therefore, transferring any stadium cost...

Macroeconomic Effects of the "Public Option"

goal of totally reforming all of US healthcare has been shelved, with the focus now being exclusively on health insurance. The na...

The Effects of Female Coaches on Male Sports Teams

extent, the role that women play in the locker room does make a difference. Reporters or fans are one thing, but a female coach is...

Private Company's Educational Excellence Tutoring Program Plan

cross-functional, integrated, self-managed project team which: 1. Maximizes individual contributions to the group (Gautschi, 1998;...

Women's Professional Football Team Business Proposal

the 2001 season (Bickelhaupt, 2000). It is difficult to keep up with the number of teams because more seem to be added each month...

Team Logo Merchandise Marketing by Pro Sports

In six pages this report discusses how professional sports teams use logos on merchandise such as clothing and hats to market them...

Research on Sports Marketing Issues

In twelve pages this research paper examines sports marketing in terms of its importance and the activities of auto racing, Notre ...

Student Assignment on Teamwork

event and then the quiz also allowed different team members to show their varying abilities and become more participative, quieter...

Replacing a Team Member

becomes a new team. The International Project Management (2007) project group suggests that when replacing a team member, we shoul...

Developing Teams

upon the individual and their perspective on the change. Some individuals may feel threatened where as others may be motivated by ...

Development of Cape Town Through the Middle Nineteenth Century

This paper examines the South African city of Cape Town, the writer covers the city's development trends from its beginnings up to...

What To Do With A Dysfunctional Team

take the time to plan how they will work as a group (FAA, Team Performance, 2006). The individuals on the team do not have the sam...

Successful Teams

up of individuals, which may be defined as a single person. A group may be defined as "An assemblage of persons or objects gathere...

Coexistence of Media and Sports?

In eleven pages this paper argues that the sports and media are not dependent upon each other but could exist equally well indepen...

The Domestic Violence Arrest Decision Reviewed

claim the authors, can go a long way toward assisting response to those in need (Robinson and Chandek, 2000). The authors ...

Analysis of a Piece of Sculpture

I thought of putting a pocket knife into the ground underneath it and decided, it didnt matter because the illusion was strong eno...

The New York City Marathon

running is an understatement according to Rubin. "To explain his excitement in the context of physical factors--heightened energy,...

Book Report: Finance

evaluate expected future gain on the basis of present value. Assessing investment alternatives according to present value methods...

The Financing of Opera in London in the 1730’s

leading up to it. Heideggers Italian opera company had failed in 1717 due to its inability to control costs and the failur...

Raising Capital For Renewable Energy Investments

In order to consider this difficulty the first stage is to consider the concept of project finance. Project finance is a structure...


can also finance through the sale of bonds or debt. City bonds sold to various individuals or investors can help the government ob...

Key Challenges to Creating and Maintaining Efficient Organizational Teams

we will look at is the need for commitment in order to ensure that teams have the right resources, including time, to function pro...

A Visit to a Child Care Facility

a nursery and individual classrooms for each age group. The facility also has a state approved food preparation and serving areas...