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Essays 271 - 300

A Review of The Laramie Project and Indian Killer

the white race is far superior to all others. Reprogramming such ingrained concepts is not something that will ever be carried th...

An Analysis of The Big Lie

sets out to illustrate how Grace was "a onetime protege of Huey P. Long and virtually the only woman in Louisiana politics" and ho...

Internet Technology and Society

As the request in this paper was to analyze implicit system of thought that inform the technology, we can probably use the hypothe...

Essay Questions on Voice Over Internet Protocol Answered

point B. 2. Consider the following network types (A.-E.) that can be employed with VoIP. Briefly describe each type and rank e...

Essay on Medical Malpractice and Tort Reform

a little out of line. But even those physicians who werent obstetricians ran into problems. In an effort to avoid any type ...

John Fante's Book Ask the Dust

of whats going on in his own emotions, as well as a narrator of whats going on in the outside world, rather than someone who is pu...

Personal Essay on College 'Joining'

Therefore, many students plan on joining a club or fraternal organization in college. The perceived advantage is that no one at co...

Clinical Psychology Paragraphs and Ph.D. Entrance Essays

considering the field of clinical psychology and psychotherapy as possible career choices, and I entered Adelphi Universitys termi...

Problems of Open Borders and Solutions

laws to get it. There are no dearth of people who slip across the northern or southern borders of the United States; many are so d...

The Changing South and American Culture

colonial era provided this workforce. While, like the Northeast, the South was settled by highly religious people, these people ha...

The Politics of Recognition by Charles Taylor

been misrecognized for so long that they often feel that they are unworthy. "They have internalized a picture of their own inferio...

William Shakespeare's As You Like It and Aphra Behn's Rover

but she keeps her emotions in check so that she can carry off her masquerade as a man. When Rosalind confronts the Dukes accusat...

A Review of The American Privateers by Donald Chidsey

or her to make allowances for the various aspects of the book that seem somewhat sensationalized or overblown. It will also serve ...

Workforce and Effective Communications

communication means more errors can occur, meaning projects need to be started over. Ineffective communications means low morale a...

A Move for the Simplification of Spelling In American and British Society

are spelled. There are far more sounds in the English language than the twenty-six letters which make up our alphabet. As a resu...

Steps Involved in Essay Writing

and influences their perspective on what they will read. The body of the paper should be organized in a particular manner...

The Stone Carvers by Jane Urquhart

"a perfect bell, with a perfect pitch" calling worshipers to mass (11). On arriving in Canada, Father Gstir simply changes the loc...

Arguing in Support of Workplace Flex Time

workplace since the middle of the 20th century. Theyve come into the workplace for a variety of reasons, ranging from self-fulfill...

Dante Alighier's Inferno Canto XXVI

speech. "These in the flame with ceaseless goals deplore/The ambush of the horse, that opend wide/A portal for the goodly seed to ...

Contributing to the World Through Creative Independence

than to go the same direction as everyone else. As such, the student may want to add, it is one of my greatest and...

Revision of Essay on 'Progress' and Environmental Destruction

for clean-up, the bottles and plates end up becoming trash, which ends up clogging landfills (and filling landfills) and ends up t...

An Individual's Negative Navy Experience

received my first paycheck, I was stunned. Id expected taxes to be taken out; what I hadnt expected was that other things would be...

Admissions Essay for Optometry School

technology has become a beneficial tool in the early diagnosis of degenerative ocular diseases, and this is one measure that optom...

Environmental Destruction and 'Progress'

if such developments include parks and trails, there is definitely an increase in pollution and other potentially hazardous enviro...

Admissions Essay from a Saudi Arabia Applicant

person, who greets new challenges with great enthusiasm. Though ambition often fuels positive change, I believe that ambition wit...

An Overview of Imitation of Life

talk, and Lora says that she wishes she had someone to look after Susie while shes working, auditioning and trying to get her big ...

Overview of Personal Achievement

family problems. My achievement in Track and Field is directly related to my ability to create personal performance goals and to...

Discovery and Life

health arena, creating instructional programs that help others learn more about threatening health conditions and preventative mea...

Suzanne Loncher's A Brooklyn Rose

a woman, not a man. In addition, much of the information in the book, while involving the social history of the Italians and the n...

Health Care Essay Narrative

comment. Another man entered the room and sat in a chair beside Bernice. There was not enough leg room between...