YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Organizational Structures and Cultures

Essays 481 - 510

Negotiation Strrategies for Conflict

This essay discusses four issues related to organizational behavior: using negotiation strategies for conflict management, evidenc...

Impact on Language Learning, Global Issues

This research paper explored organizational websites of intuitions that focus on global issues, such as environmental issues, pove...

Consultants for Change Projects

Significant organizational change can be an overwhelming challenge for business leaders. They can choose to use one or more of the...

The Strategy of Google

be seen as a driver, it is only as a result of this high level of use that Google has been able to develop the strong revenue gene...

Consulting for Organizational Development

an institution specializing in pain management Advancements in genomic understanding led to early market successes with pain-relie...

Organizational Efficiency and the Integration of Information Technology Solutions

it that has highlighted existing inadequacies all throughout the company structure. By examining each of these deficient areas in ...

Employee Rights and Organizational Security

be addressed, such that best practices can be established in order to balance the needs of employers with the rights of employees,...

Demonstrating Pearson r Test

set of statements, with answers ranging from highly inaccurate to highly accurate, With seven potential answers the responses can ...

Organizational Crisis and Leadership

deeper than this, however, and impacted personnel at the most fundamental and intimate level. For example, when visiting the facil...

The Relationship Between Personal and Organizational Ethics

ethics. Personal differences and preferences have the capacity to impact organizational ethics in a variety of ways. This is mos...


they always have. However, senior partners will receive pre-designated amounts, based on seniority rather than on performance. Thi...


the problem was of such a magnitude, that as many ideas as possible were definitely useful. Hence cross-collaboration of such orga...

Organizational Performance As a Reflection of Organizational Commitment

of commitment, and the way that this applies to the workplace. An interesting model developed by Meyer and Allen (1991) may be ver...


A 5 page paper exploring the language, geography, and culture of Mexico. Six sources....

Organizational Goal Setting

a goal should be defined and written down and it needs to have some way in which it will be measured. A good way to do this, one m...

Styles of Leadership and Southwest Airlines

all senior level managers and executives are expected to get out in the field to talk with employees. Added to all of this,...

Domestic and International Marketing

"two nationalist and one globalist approach" (Ravenhill, 2001). The first approach was for the government to bail out the compani...

Analysis of Intraorganizational Models and Conflict

- in other words, that the conflicts and problems are resolved in such a way that no one leaves the table believing that he or she...

Roman Society and Culture in The Twelve Caesars by Suetonius

among those of the ancient kings, and a raised couch placed in the orchestra at the Theatre....What made the Romans hate him so bi...

White and Black Culture in Beloved by Toni Morrison

This 6 page paper argues that Toni Morrison's book Beloved exposes the way in which white culture dictates black identity....

Primitive Cultures in Documentaries Cannibal Tours, Onka's Big Moka, and Dead Birds

In six pages this paper discusses human nature's dark side as revealed in this trio of primitive culture documentaries....

Personal Ethics and Cultural Values

employees and put customers second (Value decision making). The student may want to use personal examples in this section to illu...

Are Organizational Change and Organizational Development One and the Same?

In five pages this paper discusses how organizational change and organizational development are in fact the same. Two sources are...

Organizational Group Dynamics and Conflict

In twelve pages conflict is conceptually considered along with an exploration of the organizational setting and the idea of functi...

Gender and Culture in America by Linda Stone and Nancy McKee

In five pages this book is examined and various questions regarding gender, biology, and culture are answered....


or at least, this is the impression we get from the reading. But resistance can be overcome, so thats not the only...


really belong at this company. The only problem with the strategy is this - that not all employees like the idea of being "empower...

Banks and Morgan

In five pages this paper examines an Australian company's case that involves high organizational intellectual capital levels that ...

Concepts of Insider and Outsider Cultures

In sixteen pages this paper discusses minorities and social mainstream individuals in a consideration of what is meant by 'insider...

Canadian Society and Female Culture in E.J. Errington's Wives and Mothers

Wives and Mothers by E.J. Errington and how the author analyzes Canada's female culture are examined in 5 pages....