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Essays 481 - 510

Patient Simulators/Human Patients in Nursing Education

age. Therefore, the patient population is increasing. This factor is also influenced by the fact that that the huge lump in the Am...

Patients’ Bill of Rights

is designed to ensure that "Patients have access to needed care" and that healthcare providers are "free to practice medicine with...

Patient's 'Right to Die' and the Legality of Nursing Responsibility

through the administration of pain medication. It is not to end that suffering through medically-induced suicide. In fact, the C...

Ethical Conflict Regarding Nurse's Code and a Patient's 'Right to Die'

In eight pages this essay discusses efforts to reconcile euthanasia and the Nurse's Code in a consideration of the ethics nonmalef...

Patient Falls, Patient Safety and Communication

This paper is made up of three sections, with each section pertaining to a significant hospital administration issue. These topics...

Mishel's Uncertainty In Illness Theory

is the development of Mishels Uncertainty in Illness Scale (MUIS), which is comprised of twenty-eight item measure that utilizes a...

Influence Of Therapeutic Setting In Psychoanalysis

counselor, often causing even greater tension than what already exists and drawing away from the ability to forge an alliance. Se...

Depression: To Medicate Or Not

2004). This is to say nothing of the side effects that accompany every drug manufactured to treat depression. Contrastingly, hol...

Patient Compliance & CHF Nursing Care

While CHF has a mortality rate that ten times that of AIDS and is also responsible for far more hospitalizations than cancer, even...

Quality Nursing Care

whoever the client might be, that is, an individual, family, group or community. The third provision indicates that nurses are als...

WTO: Why India and China Said No to U.S. (Article Analysis)

table. Because they are concerned about heir own backyards, they do not sympathize with the plight of nations that subsidize their...

Content Based English Language Learners

instructional techniques and their behaviors to increase the success level for these students. Pica (2002) reported that in the...

Three Views of Down Syndrome

words, the material available on Down syndrome is extensive and wide-ranging, so that there seems no reason to try and pick articl...

James Fallows on Immigration

American way of life (Fallows, 1983). As an example of just how hard immigrants work and what they can contribute, Fallows traces ...


not graze. The authors concluded from the study that fencing cattle from wetlands might be a prudent conservation step for some am...

CBT versus family therapy in treating adolescent drug abuse (Article Review/Reaction)

applicable, and service delivery were all the same (Houghton, 2008). Each factor was controlled in this study. The article author ...

Dealing With the Dealership (Article Review)

are looking for. In truth, people do think about their monthly payment as that is how they budget. Yet, according to Breitner, the...

Two Views on Development and World Poverty

to oil is erroneous and how one looks on oil is all a matter of perspective. At one time, i.e., prior to when science discovered t...

Articles in the Constitution

same system as Britain, which was a system that was also immersed in a separation of powers. As one author notes, "the theory of c...


the Department of Justices Police Brutality Study 1985-1990; Uniform Crime Reports during the same period and the 1990 U.S. Census...

School Counselor Education Programs - Accountability

before one can measure effectiveness, it is crucial to know what it is you want to know (Brott, 2006). In other words, you cannot ...

Critical Analysis: "Casuistry, Virtue and the Slippery Slope"

the first issue under the heading of casuistry; the second under virtue; and the third as a slippery slope argument (Kennan). It i...

IT Article Review: Identity Management

for vendors, still another for customers - and eliminating layered access serves to simplify the structure of the larger informati...

"The History and Mystery of Lightening"

theology, to Scandinavian mythology, Hindu theology, African mythology, and Navajo healing rituals. The reader then explores mank...

"Bridging the Gap Between School and Home Using Children's Literature"

to read under the covers while at home or while in a classroom with the lights darkened just for the occasion. "Flashlight Friday...

Article Analysis: Two Ways to Belong to America

Security to legal resident aliens. It was, thankfully, defeated, but it opened up an angry dialogue between the sisters on their d...

Counselor Education - Review Of Two Articles

so all the time. This diversity requires counselors to have a degree of multicultural competence if they are going to be helpful t...

Article Paraphrasing

the content, though the student might want to mention that the piece is badly written. The article discusses Ms. Gorton, an admin...

Indonesia and Philip Morris Tobacco Company

Marlboro itself is the best-selling brand in the world -- the "Marlboro Man" represents the mystique of the American West, rugged,...

Underage Drinking Opinions

a fact of life, and one can choose to drink or not. If American youngsters were taught to handle alcohol from an early age in the...