YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Elizabeth Bishop and Marianne Moore as Descendants of Emily Dickinson

Essays 151 - 180

Alderman David Moore's Home Style

This 4 page paper gives an overview of the book Home Styles, and hot it related to the Alderman David Moore. This paper includes a...

Lt. Gen. Moore Leadership

the men to attach their bayonets a few times. Summary of Leadership Information Leadership, management, and supervision may be d...

Sculptor Henry Moore

Considered to be a great sculptor Henry Moore's works are evaluated. His style is discussed in conjunction with some other artists...

Architect and 'Humanist' Charles Willard Moore

In five pages the 'user friendly' characteristics of Moore's house and building design are the central focus of this paper on the ...

Social Theory and Michael Moore's 1989 Documentary Roger and Me

In five pages this paper applies symbolic interactionism and conflict social theories to Michael Moore's documentary of onetime Ge...

2 Articles on the Conscious Choice of Language

In three pages 2 articles Robert B. Moore's Racism in the English Language featured in The Meaning of Difference and Dennis Baron'...

Conscious Choice of Language

as an official language, or the use of "literacy laws" to determine rights, are"thinly-veiled measures to disenfranchise anyone no...

Human Action Determination According to George Edward Moore and B.F. Skinner

In five pages human behavior is examined from the perspectives of B.F. Skinner's theories concerning modification and determinism ...

Comparative Analysis of Roger and Me and COPS

and trust-busting sentiments, put the brakes on the greediest corporate pillagers and the concentration of economic power; demande...

Nineteenth Century America and Being White

be. 2. Agricultural economic base and need for labor. 3. Slavery introduced with indentured servants. Taken to the next level in ...

Marlene Moore's Case and Female Prisoners

27, Marlene had spent more of her life in prison than outside of it, following a lonely and isolated childhood with a lonely and i...

Glover Moore's The Missouri Controversy, 1819-1821

this historical wrong by compiling his exhaustive research of the subject into an impressive volume entitled, The Missouri Controv...

Anthropological Studies of Monica Moore and Jane Goodall

In five pages this paper examines the importance of observation in ethnography in a comparison of Monica Moore's Nonverbal Courtsh...

Lesbian Theory and 'Master Letters' by Emily Dickinson

In five pages lesbian theory is applied to an analysis of 'Master Letters.' Fifteen sources are cited in the bibliography....

Religion and Emily Dickinson

who see; But microscopes are prudent in an emergency!" The poem whose first lines begin, "Safe in their Alabaster Chambers" is a ...

Number 305 'The difference between Despair' by Emily Dickinson

Additionally, Dickinson makes creative use of punctuation to create dramatic pauses between lines, as well as within them. The ...

20th Century Glimpses in the 19th Century Poetry of Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson

In five pages these poets' visions of the next century are examined in a consideration of their respective works. Five sources ar...

Historical Context of Emily Dickinson

indeed, cannot, be overlooked. A rare taste of boundless joy is exemplified in Wild nights, wild nights. Perhaps written o...

Comparing Emily Dickinson and Anne Bradstreet

of this in the following lines which use that imagery in the comparisons: "Thou ill-formed offspring of my feeble brain,/ Who afte...

Influences of Nature and Biography in the Works of Emily Dickinson

Dickinsons writing. While "no ordinance is seen" to those who are not participating in the war, it presence nevertheless is always...

'Because I could not stop for Death' by Emily Dickinson

of this world. She is saying good-by to earthly cares and experience and learning to focus her attention in a new way, which is re...

Ten Poems by Emily Dickinson

of mourning and regret, while singing the praises of something wondrous. I Came to buy a smile -- today (223) The first thing...

Emily Dickinson and the Poems of Fascicle Twenty-Eight

to discern the "inexhaustible richness of consciousness itself" (Wacker 16). In other words, the poetry in fascicle 28 presents ...

Religious Change and 1569's Northern Rebellion

to begin before the date of the rebellion and consider the events that lead to the events, as well as the events themselves. Bac...

'My Life Had Stood - A Loaded Gun' by Emily Dickinson

In five pages the theme, tone, meter, rhythm, form, and imagery of Dickinson's poetry structure in poem 754 are examined. There a...

Poetry of Emily Dickinson and Its Religious Aspects

In ten pages this paper examines how the poet's proclaimed ambivalence about religion is undercut by the religious references in h...

'A Noiseless Patient Spider' by Walt Whitman and 'A Spider Sewed At Night' by Emily Dickinson

In three pages these two poems are contrasted and compared. Four sources are cited in the bibliography....

C.S. Lewis, Emily Dickinson, and William Shakespeare on Friendship

In five pages this paper examines the nobility of friendship from the perspectives of these literary giants. Four sources are cit...

Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Elizabeth Gaskell, and Cultural Reorganization from a Woman's Perspective

reader is able to reconsider a number of suppositions as related to the era and the characters that inhabit it. Details, Details, ...

'Love's Done' by Emily Dickinson

In 4 pages this paper explores the biographical elements of this Dickinson poem that are obscured by her uses of legal jargon. Th...