YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Nature Versus Industrialization

Essays 301 - 330

U.S.Impeachment Proceedings of Presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton

concern over a woman the man had touched, in what way, and with what level of intimacy. Johnsons impeachment was the result of a ...

Behavior That is Rational vs. Irrational

Jason was only seeking his own gratification. He wanted to have it all. His intent was to gain both power and social standing by...

Moral Reasoning Case Study Evaluation

fact, it seems that both are taking the noble road and one wonders why anyone would succumb to the pressure of signing a paper tha...

Okonkwo was to Blame in Things Fall Apart by Achebe

In a paper consisting of five pages an assessment regarding Okonkwo's responsibility for his own tragedy is discussed through an e...

Madeleine L'Engle's 'A Wrinkle in Time'

offered by A Wrinkle in Time is that the power of love can overcome just about any of lifes obstacles. When one confronts the dar...

The Republic by Plato and 'The Aeneid' by Virgil

Fact versus fiction is the focus of this analysis of theses classical texts in an essay consisting of two pages. There are no oth...

Satanic Verses and Haroun and the Sea Stories/Rushdie

This research paper offers a close comparison between the characterization and themes that Salman Rushdie use in his Satanic Versu...

Federalist, Anti-Federalists, and the Ratification of the US Constitution

This paper compares and contrasts Federalist versus Anti-Federalist views during the ratification of the US Constitution. This fi...

Individual, the Majority, and Evil in 'The Lottery' by Shirley Jackson

In ten pages this research paper analyzes the famous short story in terms of its conflict between minority or individual rights ve...

Action Research and Education

In five pages this essay subdivided into 2 sections considers the merits of action research in a new math class for high school st...

Research on Home Schooling

In fifteen pages this paper considers research on public schooling versus home schooling in a comparison that reveals home schooli...

Juvenile Delinquency Programs and Juvenile Boot Camps

In ten pages this research proposal assesses the recidivism impacts and success rates of juvenile delinquency programs versus juve...

Essay Writing Problems for International Pupils

In five pages this argumentative essay considers 3 reasons why essay writing is often disliked by international pupils such as Eng...

Differing Perspectives of Irish Americans and African Americans

A research paper that consists of fifteen pages discusses why Irish Americans and African Americans have differing views regarding...

Thoreau/Nature Essays

imposed boundaries. He asks, "What sort of a country is that where the huckleberry fields are private property? When I pass such f...

Bernard & Krieger/Knowledge & Power

removed, "the phenomena will no longer appear" (Bernard 55). As this illustrates, Bernards goal in his research was integrate the ...

Jesus' Attitude Toward Women Versus Paul's Attitude

their contributions are told in any great detail. Then Jesus began His ministry and it is clear even from the short tales that His...

Media Access: National Security Versus Public Access To Government Function

(Killian, 2005; Henning, 2005b; Sapino Jeffreys, 2006). II. UNDERSTANDING THE LAW THROUGH COURT RULINGS The precedent-setting ca...

Digital Radiography Versus Conventional Radiography

a research project to test the efficiency of traditional and digital radiography in a medical setting. The aim was to use the imag...

Adult Court Versus Juvenile Court

2005). It would take until the 1980s before all youth were taken out of adult jails and removed to separate facilities (Krisberg, ...

Nuclear Families versus Divorced Families

have been cited for pulling a gun or a knife on someone and children in gangs were more likely to come from single parent househol...

Executive Power: Protection Versus Personal Rights

integral role in saving society from such fatal intrusion, with proponents contending it has, indeed, become imperative for govern...

Rome & Greece: Good, Dutiful Citizens Versus Athletic Ability, Philosophical Issues And Physical Beauty

fully clothed to completely nude was a symbol in and of itself: Aphrodite had begun a journey exemplifying female physical beauty,...

Concept Mapping Versus Care Plans/A Proposed Study

the fever? Was it related to an infection in the surgical wound? Was the patient developing atelectasis and pneumonia? Or, was the...

US. Versus Egypt: Role Of Culture And Religion In Education

Correspondingly, there is a battle being waged by parents and educators alike that says a public school education sorely lacks whe...

El Cid: Ramon Menéndez Pidal versus Richard Fletcher

the prolific works of critic and scholar Ramon Menendez Pidal as the definitive studies on Diaz, but more recently, an English his...

Jesus Christ Versus Mohammed

move allowed him to lead a life of leisure rather than one of hard work and he spent a great deal of time "in religious contemplat...

News Broadcast Versus Newspaper: Analysis

that could otherwise not be expressed merely by literary methods; rather, photography helps the world understand more about itself...

Christianity Versus Islam : Prayer And Study

prayers. This is very different in Islam. As most of us should know by now, Muslims pray five times each day, each time facing Me...

Systems versus Enterprise Architecture

home, Aden compares the processes involved with EA to way that homeowners offer input to a contractor on what features that they d...