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Essays 211 - 240

Opinion of Stephen King

a little love" (Stephen King, 2006). King is clearly up to the task. One of the most important aspects of Kings work, and which h...

Jefferson, Lincoln, and King

of the United States today. It speaks of the soul of the people and their dreams and desires and the foundations of their beliefs,...

Literary Critique: Letter from the Birmingham Jail

to carry the gospel of freedom beyond my own home town" (King). One of the most poignant parts of the speech is Dr. Kings examina...

King’s Premise of Non-Violence: Applications to the Women’s Movement

By the 1960s blacks and women alike, of course, had freedom in a technical sense but they each had a long...

King's Theory/Diabetic Retinopathy

on very real problems. As Mrs. Jones poor vision is due to diabetic retinopathy, strict glycemic control is crucial in order to sa...

Martin Luther King Jr.: The Vietnam War 'Shot Down' the Great Society Envisioned by President Lyndon B. Johnson

actually put into practice what JFK preached in his New Frontier - equal rights for all citizens. Johnson seemed worthy of their ...

Barack Obama and Dr. King and Continuing Hope

Luther King wrote a long and moving letter from his cell in the Birmingham, Alabama, jail. In 2007, Barack Obama gave a very movin...

A Thematic Examination of Hurston’s “Their Eyes were Watching God” and Warren’s “All the King’s Men”

these characteristics he is able to become a wealthy landowner and politician in the town of Eatonville. In fact, Hurston indicate...

"All the King's Men" - Examining Themes

is Jack Burdens transition from a naively simplified form of nihilism he refers to as the "Great Twitch" towards a more realistic ...

The Ousting of King Leopold

promote awareness of the atrocities occurring in these compounds. Like Williams, Sheppard spent 20 years in and around the Congo F...

Trekkies, Russell and Black Experience

describes the Tiger beetle, which is "often brightly patterned" in a manner that looks "like small jewels" (Russell 222). Her desc...

King's "I Have a Dream": A Rhetorical Analysis

a Dream" speech has, in the years since he delivered it, achieved an almost mythic status, both for its cultural significance and ...

"Letter from Birmingham Jail" by Martin Luther King

This essay offers summation and analysis of Dr. King's famous letter. Three pages in length, no other sources are cited. ...

King and Eliot

this essay utilizes a quote by F.R. Leavis to argue that T.S. Eliot's Waste Land and Stephen King's novel Misery qualify them as t...

The Greatest King of Israel

This essay responds to several issues concerning King David. What was the Davidic covenant. Since David sinned, why is he consider...

The Two Henry's and Their Relative Impact to History

This paper considers the historical impact of King Henry VII and compares them to that of his son, King Henry VIII. There are six ...

Essay Questions on Henry V and King Lear by William Shakespeare Answered

tragic deaths of Lear and Cordelia. Therefore, many modern readers and critics regard the plays conclusion as being devoid of red...

Leadership Style of Hezekiah

conflict with them but he avoided that. He could foresee that getting into a serious argument with his enemies would lead to unnec...

"Letter from the Birmingham City Jail," and Martin Luther KIng's Concepts of Just, Unjust, and Morality

or supports the individual personality is just; anything disrespectful or degrading is unjust (274). Himself a contempora...

Analyzing the 'I Have a Dream' Speech by Martin Luther King'

In five pages rhetorical tools are applied to King's speech in terms of its uses of logos, pathos, and ethos and the persuasivenes...

The Contributions of Louis XIV

behavior. This was loosely based on religion as he understood it (Riley, 2001). It should be noted that his mother, Anne of Austri...

Breakdown by Florence King

upset on television her career and any attempt at comedy will forever fail. It is indicating that Ellen has all but destroyed her ...

Willie Talos' Fatal Flaw

The murderer is fully aware of the relationships. Also, it is hard to argue that the affairs do not matter. Today, there is a tend...

Martin Luther King Jr.’s ‘Letter from Birmingham Jail,’ Contemporary America, and US Foreign Policy

the only plausible alternative. While King was presenting the justification of nonviolent direct action in 1963 Birmingham, his m...

Imogene M. King/Theory of Goal Attainment

systems, and developmental models (Tourville and Ingalls, 2003). The systems model of nursing perceives the concept of "person" a...

Utilitarianism and Civil Rights

In five pages this essay discusses Martin Luther King's 'Letter from Birmingham Jail' from John Stuart Mill's utilitarian philosop...

Philosophy of Civil Disobedience and Martin Luther King Jr.

In seven pages this research paper examines how King's philosophy of nonviolent protest was influenced by Indian practitioner of c...

'Man in the Black Suit' by Stephen King

In five pages this paper analyzes Stephen King's short story in terms of how the author employs the setting of rural Maine. There...

Corrupting Influence of Power in Robert Penn Warren's All the King's Men

In five pages this essay discusses how political power corrupted the once idealistic Willie Stark in Robert Penn Warren's All the ...

'King Leopold's Ghost' by Adam Hochschild

In this paper consisting of five pages the King's search for a Belgian colony is discussed along with the fear that overtaking Asi...