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Four Poems on Grief

focuses on four poems that all deal with grief. In "Stairway to Heaven" by Joaquin G. Rubio; "Dont Forget About Me!" by Jenny Gord...


no lack of literature about how gods and goddesses (goddesses, especially) are linked with death. The Greeks - Artemis, Niobe, Fer...

Book Summary Keener on Jesus

Jesus is an historical figure. He lived on earth, He called His disciples, He died, and He rose from the dead. The events reported...

Preschool Children and Explanations of Dying and Death

go to sleep (VanClay, 2004; Vernon, 2002). As LesStrang said: "Grandpa did not go on a long journey; he did not pass on; he is not...

A.E. Houseman: To An Athlete Dying Young

won your town the race x / x /...

Identity Searches in Literature

A.E. Housman. They are both young men who die before they age, before they have perhaps achieved a powerful greatness it would see...

As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner and Italics

cohesive literary glue that holds it all together. One of the ingredients of that glue is the use of language. His particular use ...

Oregon's Death with Dignity Act and the American Government

request, but may not require, the patient to notify their next-of-kin of the prescription request. A patient can rescind a request...

Relationships in As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner

If the reader proves victorious at ascertaining the entire concept as a whole, while comprehending the connection of the detailed ...

Life and Death Issues in the Quest for Survival

purely upon survival, mixed with the women and children first Maritime protocol. Religion, race, background or lifestyle have noth...

Aging and Attitudes

are individuals who gain a great deal of wealth and retire early, for a lot of people, work provides meaning. Aside from work and ...

Support Groups for the Bereaved

personality. Yet, whatever theory one adopts, most people do find that the process of death and dying can be very difficult for lo...

Issues Involving the 'Right to Die'

In eighteen pages this research paper discusses the cases of Cruzan, Bouvia, and Quinlan in a consideration of the issues associat...

Literature and Issues of Gender and Race

how Over three thousand die in the Macondo massacre, and the only surviving witnesses are Jose Arcadio Segundo and a small child. ...

Discussing Death, the Obligations of Living, and Cultural Variation

death as well. It is, after all, the family who is charged either directly or indirectly with putting the body to rest once the l...

Euthanasia and Ethics

behind such behavior it simply cannot be condoned, inasmuch as society cannot be defined as a scientific expression when it routin...

Overview of Chinese Beliefs

2002). In addition, dietary practices in Asia are often associated with religious practices and customs (Gifford, 2002). R...

The Baroque Cantatas of J.S. Bach

period saw one of the most important changes in all of music history-the "transition from the medieval church modes to major-minor...

Death and the Importance of Family Support

of bereavement services such as telephone hotlines, formal programs and stronger community education resources to deal with this t...

Literature of the First World War, Dying, Mutilation, and Death

that the other poppy "I gave to you" (line 8). In the third stanza, Rosenberg writes that the "sandbags narrowed" (line 9). The t...

On Death and Dying by Elisabeth Kubler Ross and Anita Shreve's The Pilot's Wife

was an explosion," he said quickly. "Youre sure it was Jack?" "Yes." (Shreve 6) Kathryns initial response, then, is not one of a...

Issues Pertaining to Crisis Communication

own wives for 9/11 widows. While perhaps these individuals were not burned out, one can see how someone in a helping profession ca...

Social and Medical Perspectives on Dying

would be no point where it would be judged morally justified to harvest viable organs from donors (Browne, 1983). It often gives c...

Overview of Elizabeth Kubler Ross' Death and Dying

contribute to the experience of dying, which varies considerably" (Berk, 2003). As we can see, there is no single way, or norma...

Death and Attitudes

but there was also a corresponding increase in the secularisation and commercialisation of the rituals surrounding death. In the 1...

Student Submitted English Law Case on Trusts and Death Without a Will

in the words used, whilst it will help if reference is made to the trust and trustees, this is not vital, as even directing one pa...

'The Man Who Died' by D.H. Lawrence

Rather, the bible is a composite of various stories and is therefore to an extent subject to interpretation. Those who interpret t...

The Right to Die as a Legal Issue

between the withdrawal of life-saving treatments and doctor-assisted suicide (Feinberg, 1998). In this case, three terminally ill ...

Terminal Patients and Hospice Healthcare

we all must personally face. Dealing with the death of a loved one, however, can be considerably more difficult than facing the f...

Poetry of Frank O'Hara

help keep me in New York against coercion/ but now Im happy for a time and interested" (OHara 1-8). This is sort of a free form...