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Nurse/Patient Ratios/Not One Size Fits All

assisting registered nurses (RNs) in order to meet legislated requirements (Schaefer 9). This means that while RNs have fewer pati...

California Nurse-Patient Ratios

(Cunningham, 2008). Observed Results Cortez (2008) states that in the past, patients had been known to call 911 from their ...

Organizational Change in St. Vincent's ICU

Hospital. The purpose here is to describe and evaluate the restructuring of St. Vincents ICU to gain one-on-one nursing and so im...

Mandatory Staffing Ratios

between those who supported mandatory staffing ratios, based on research such as the study conducted by Linda Aiken, and the stanc...

Implementing Patient to Nurse Ratios in the Healthcare Environment

was a patient protection initiative which incorporated a requirement for there to be set nasty patient ratios in healthcare system...

A Leaflet Explaining the Impact of Mandated Nurse to Patient Ratios in the Health Industry

nurse to patient ratio in California. In 1992 and 1993 the California Nurses Association has sponsored the Democratic Senator Jack...

Patient Simulators/Human Patients in Nursing Education

age. Therefore, the patient population is increasing. This factor is also influenced by the fact that that the huge lump in the Am...

Nurses Job Satisfaction

in the U.S. stands at 8.5 percent to over 14 percent, depending on the specific area of specialty (Letvak and Buck, 2008), by 2020...

Elements of Psychiatric Nursing Practice

who is the legal guardian, as this pertains to the legality of admitting a minor for psychiatric care. If the patient is accompani...

CC vs. Med-Surg Units/Job Satisfaction

(Domrose, 2001). However, current trends have developed that have greatly expanded the scope of med-surg nursing, which includes a...

Nursing Shortage & Patient Safety

established that nurses are often involved in the "timely identification of complications," which, if acted upon swiftly, prevent ...

Mandatory Nurse-to-Patient Ratios

the American healthcare system, the debate concerning whether or not states should implement mandated nurse-to-patient ratios rema...

Nursing Leadership, Advocacy & Responsibilities

Leadership and management while related are two distinctively different concepts. Leadership can be discerned from simply manageme...

Ratio of Patients to Nurses

to the bill as did many nursing executives, arguing that there was sufficient legislation already on the books that dealt with sta...

Assessment of a Bundle of Healthcare Services for Patients with Dementia

why this population may be seen as particularly vulnerable. The paper will then look in detail at the service offered, and then co...

Student Achievement and the Importance of Class Size

compared the achievement of students who were in classes of between 13 and 17 students to classes where there were 22 to 26 studen...

Assessing Harley Davidson as an Investment

for as a result of increasing costs, the cost of goods sold in 2007 was 63.1% of the revenue, compared to 61.5% in 2006. In additi...

Lifespan Developmental Psychology; The Case of an Elderly Bereaved Patient

from the age of around 60 years, however, the age at which this is reached is not fixed, as it is not with the others, but is a na...

Health Care Staff Shortages

nurses by 2012 to eliminate the shortage (Rosseter, 2009). By 2020, the District of Columbia along with at least 44 states will ha...

Quality Indicators and Nurse/Patient Ratios

literature and also "analysis of ICD-9-CM codes," which were reviewed by a "clinician panel," offering specific IQs that address i...

Dealing with Change/Miami Valley Hospital

patient care (Hassmiller and Cozine, 2006). Some strategies proposed by RWJF for helping to decrease the tremendous workload on nu...

Quality Nursing Care

whoever the client might be, that is, an individual, family, group or community. The third provision indicates that nurses are als...

Nurse Patient Ratios in Patient Safety, The California Law

This nursing practicum proposal focuses on the mandated nurse-to-patient ratios that have been implemented in California. The writ...

Best Practice in Ensuring Infected Wound Healing

potential for long term physiological complications as well as long-term emotional impacts. Not only does the type of care needed...

Nursing: Article Reviews

some determining the study was inconclusive, others saying certain interventions should be made universal and still others stating...

Financial Comparison of Hershey and Tootise

cash flow incomes that are to be received and the level of current assets reflects this, if receivables are coming in quickly (as...

Medical Law

In order to determine whether or not the consent form signed is valid we need to consider the concept of informed consent. The con...

Paranoid Schizophrenia

potential need for treatment for impaired skin integrity due to immobility. Therefore, the nurse will begin precautions prior to a...

Computer Network Design and Analysis of Performance During Peak Usage and Increased User Numbers

design. The most common element affecting system performance in a network environment during both times of disaster and tim...

Zero Tolerance

In six pages this paper argues against zero tolerance in school policy, comparing it to the retail theory that 'one size fits all....