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Political Philosophy and 4 Essay Topics

would come about as a natural consequence of romanticism ("Romanticism," 2005). For example, romantic music inspired nationalist t...

Meditations on First Philosophy by Rene Descartes

The revolutionary philosophy of Rene Descartes as it is presented within Meditations on First Philosophy is explained in an essay ...

Classroom Management Philosophy

or love of their subject matter and a desire to motivate students. Problematic Behaviors Problematic behaviors are actions by s...

Politics, Science, and Freedom According to Friedrich Nietzsche

In five pages this paper discusses Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy with an examination of his perspectives regarding political sh...

Ralph Emerson's Statement 'One Must Be an Inventor to Read Well'

In four pages this essay analyzes Emerson's quote and the philosophies that inspired this outlook....

First Meditation of Rene Descartes

Most people like an ordered existence. It makes them feel comfortable with the real uncertainty of life. Descartes made "doubt" a ...

The Centralist Political Philosophy of Barack Obama: "Useful Fictions"

This 4 page paper provides an overview of Barack Obama's political philosophy and its orientation in centralism. The primary thesi...

End of European Colonialism

In two pages this essay considers post 1945 socioeconomic and political factors that resulted in the end of European colonialism....

Problems of Open Borders and Solutions

laws to get it. There are no dearth of people who slip across the northern or southern borders of the United States; many are so d...

Phillips/Socrates Cafe

pundits or the mainstream media happen to be handing out at the moment. This is a process that rekindles a "child-like--but by no ...

3 Questions on Philosophical Thought and its Effects

like the male philosophers of the day. She was the exception. While by and large, the people saw women as having a subservient pla...

Rhetorical Analysis of 'Locker Room Talk' Essay

would a male go into sexual detail about his relationship on a date? Is it to brag, or to sound powerful, or to seek admiration? ...

Teacher Salary Increase Essay Proposal

In five pages this paper presents an essay proposal featuring the topic of teacher salary increases....

Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)

Security; Governance Rule of Law & Human Rights; Infrastructure & Natural Resources; Education; Health; Agriculture & Rural Develo...

Multiculturalism and Language Education

million in 1790 to 300 million in 2005" principally due to immigration (Kumaravadivelu, 2008, p. 69). However, while it is true th...

Naturalistic and Abstract Art

with all its particular and peculiar characteristics" (Fleming 38). On other hand, an artist who is primarily interested in abst...

Revision of Essay on 'Progress' and Environmental Destruction

for clean-up, the bottles and plates end up becoming trash, which ends up clogging landfills (and filling landfills) and ends up t...

Education and Philosophy

In nine pages this paper examines teaching philosophies in this overview that explores the relationship between philosophy and edu...

Comparative Philosophical Analysis of David Hume and George Berkeley

In five pages this report compares Hume and Berkeley in terms of their philosophies' differences and similarities particularly as ...

Philosophy's Role and Defense of Socrates in Apology by Plato

In two pages this paper examines philosophy's role and human activity purpose as well as Socrates' defense as represented in Apolo...

Fides et Ratio - Philosophy

philosophy itself has changed" (#47) over the centuries (47). This field no longer seeks universal truth and wisdom, it is little ...

Considerations on France by Joseph de Maistre

his own mind is anarchy. "The churches are closed, or opened only for the noisy discussions and drunken revels of a frenzied peopl...

Political Philosophies of John Locke and Plato

In six pages this research essay considers the differences that exist in the political philosophies of John Locke and Plato. Four...

Combination of Economic and Political Themes in 'The Communist Manifesto'

in 5 pages, this essay combines the very themes that were considered within the contexts of the Industrial Revolution and the Fre...

A Dialogue between Historical Theorists

This essay begins by describing the moral and political philosophies of John Stuart Mill, Karl Marx, Adam Smith, Benito Mussolini...

Differences and Similarities in Social, Moral and Political Philosophy

philosophies are sometimes at odds and almost seem to contradict one another. Yet, it is important to address differences in moral...

The Cultural Movement of 20th Century China

10 pages. This paper provides an overview of early 20th century philosophies in China, including those of Ch'en Tu-Huiu and Hu Sh...

Order and Man in Hobbes, a Critique

and man, is not so considerable, as that one man can thereupon claim to himselfe any benefit, to which another may not pretend, as...

Utopian Political Philosophy Criticism in The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli

In seven pages this paper examines Chapter XV of The Prince in a consideration of how it criticizes the political philosophy descr...