YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Religious Fundamentalism and its Dangers

Essays 1 - 30

Religious Fundamentalism and its Dangers

first arose, "on the basis that fundamental principles upon which the larger religious group is supposedly founded have become cor...

Iran's Islamic Revolution

In six pages this paper examines the Islamic revolution taking place in Iran in terms of its impact, its spread to Egypt, and the ...

Nationalism and Religious Fundamentalism

In seven pages this paper examines how the postmodern landscape has been influenced by images of religious fundamentalism and nati...

Fundamentalism Religion and Its Roots

In five pages Israel and the United States are the focus of this discussion of the roots of religious fundamentalism with such top...

Middle East and Islamic Religious Fundamentalism

In eight pages this paper discusses the Middle East in a consideration of Islamic religious fundamentalism and its political impac...

Religious Fundamentalism in the United States and Israel

In five pages this paper considers a wide variety of subjects including personality traits, marital abuse, and globalization in th...

The Career and Writings of Evangelist Carl F.H. Henry

pursuits out of fear of being contaminated by criticism of the Bible or by the increasing tendency of universities to turn away fr...

Religious Topics

this movement, they are turned against their families, their grades fall and they drop out of school, and they "surrender" their w...

Social Equality and Religious Fundamentalism

that observation that Balmer first begins to discover a similar thread running through the entirety of the fundamentalist communit...

Dangers of Teenage Drinking

in the first place. Another argument, alluded to in the beginning, involves the body. The student could take the following...

Adolescents and Drug Addiction

a beautiful young lady...There is no way to describe the daily misery and agony I went through while addicted to heroin" (The Agon...

A Fable

before. When she was 17 and he was 20, he asked her to marry him. Thrilled, she said yes. But there was another man in the househ...

Review of Globalization and Religious Fundamentalism by William H. Swatos, Jr.

located not only in individual sentiments, but also in many world institutions" (Swatos 288). That globalization, fundamentalism ...

Historical Significance of The Third Reich

This paper discusses the Holocaust, The Third Reich, and the concept of history repeating itself if people do not stay vigilant. ...

The Controversy of Air Bag Safety

In a paper containing six pages the viewpoints discussing air bag dangers and alternative perspectives that these alleged dangers ...

The Religious Views that Influence African American Beliefs

5 pages and 3 sources. This paper considers the nature of African American religious beliefs as they influence specific social/cu...

Meso American Civilizations of the Aztec, Maya, and Inca

In six pages this essay contrasts and compares these early Meso American civilizations in terms of organizational, agricultural, r...

Renaissance Challenges Responded to by Calvinism and Lutheranism

by choice but are instead dictated by an omnipotent source, the inherent faith and ability to think creatively of ones beliefs is ...

Tirso's The Trickster of Seville

The religious environment of Spain during the 16th and 17th centuries, for instance, can be seen as a key factor in terms of the b...

Magdelena and Balthasar by Steven Ozmet and Religious Controversies

Redeemer" (Ozment 14). As a result, Magdalena and Balthasar not only put their faith in good health in the various medical remedi...

The Jewish 'Father' Abraham

Michalowski explains, "Each person also had an additional, personal god" (Szulc, 2001, p. 90). A close interaction with this pers...

People and Evangelizing

In ten pages evangelizing is defined and a consideration of how certain religious groups evangelize is presented....

Church and State in the 1992 U.S. Supreme Court Case of Lee v. Weisman 505

In eight pages this paper discusses whether or not the First Amendment rights are being violated by a school function's religious ...

'The Day of Doom' by Michael Wigglesworth

In five pages this poem is analyzed in terms of primary themes as well as its social and religious connotations....

A REview of Black Boy by Richard Wright

A 5 page overview of the religious and supersticious perspectives that interlace this book. 2 sources....

American Religion and The Great Awakening of the Eighteenth Century

which occurred in the 1730s and 1740s. It was during those few decades in which we emerged as a religiously based and religiously ...

Analysis of the Increases in Fundamentalist and Conservative Religious Groups

first founded by Radcliff-Brown and Evans-Pritchard. While initially utilized to aid our understanding of Polynesian and African ...

1990 Case of the US Supreme Court v. Employment Div., Ore. Department of Human Resources v. Smith, 494 US 872

for ingesting peyote, a hallucinogenic drug. This was not recreational drug use, however, but rather, for sacramental reasons as p...

Student's Religious Studies' Intellectual Journal

S/he reveals that the professor opted not to talk about Judaism because there were Jews in the class, and in the students opinion,...

Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)

Security; Governance Rule of Law & Human Rights; Infrastructure & Natural Resources; Education; Health; Agriculture & Rural Develo...