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Essays 1 - 30

Stalinist Russia and Jewish Life

with jaw-breaking rolls? These were the difficulties growth. Someday soon, a new, modern just society would arise from the backwar...

Russian Life During the Thirties

the internal and external wars that were being waged that she could barely support herself. Needless to say, a child of this time ...

Doing Business in Russia

even less access to any goods and services other than those of the traditional culture. A class dichotomy quickly developed...

Experiences of Foreign Workers in Stalinist Russia

1991). In addition to a life-long love of engineering, Witkin appears to have had a great concern for justice and a passion for f...

Comparison Between the Stalinist and Democratic Revolutions of Russia

the General Headquarters and suggestions by Front commanders and on special reports."i Information was paramount to the continue...

4 Articles on Jewish Culture Compared

In six pages Jewish life and culture are considered in a discussion of 4 articles which offer contrasting views to Jewish societal...

Jewish Wedding Traditions

This 8 page paper discusses the traditions of the Jewish wedding ceremony, including the breaking of the glass and the role of the...

Jewish Concept of Evil

Jews maintains a direct relation to the way in which the state of Israel exists. The combination of fear and dread that consumes ...

Life and Achievements of Catherine The Great

Frederick the Great of Prussia was particularly interested in the marriage since it was a potential tool for use in improving his ...

A Sketch of Boris Yeltsin

The writer discusses Boris Yeltsin, the first elected president of Russia, who is a larger-than-life figure. The writer argues tha...

Tutorial Sigmund Freud Lecture

In seven pages this tutorial essay instructs how to deliver to a group comprised of older Jewish women a lecture on Sigmund Freud....

A Review of Behind The Urals By John Scott

Americans were asking each other. I decided to go to Russia to work, study, and to lend a hand in the construction of a society w...

Jewish and Christian Holiday Traditions

celebrate the holidays. It argues that each celebration is meaningful to those of that faith, but when "adopted" by the other, bec...

Abraham Cahan/Yekl

of antecedents, tastes, habits, inclinations, and speaking all sorts of sub-dialects of the same jargon, thrown pell-mell into one...

Moscow's 1980 Olympic Games and Russia's Popular Culture

towards the attack, the United States Olympic team boycotted the event. "In 1980 it was a symbolic stand, backed up with all sort...

Tsar Nicholas II and Geography

In seven pages this paper examines how Manchuria, Siberia, Russia, China, and Japan geography influenced the decision making of Ru...

Imperial Russia's Decline

In five pages this paper considers Imperial Russia's decline, whether it was simply unfortunate or ill fated as covered in James C...

Russia's Housing Problems

In ten pages this position paper explores the housing crisis of Russia and is submitted to Valentina Matviyenko, Russia's Minister...

Russia and Georgia

Another region involved is Abkhazia and apparently, with the peacekeeping elements in place, there has also been Russias support o...

Personal Perception of Judaism

small child, I knew I was Jewish, so I really do not remember when this identity was established or how. I did not think about it ...

'Jewish Question' and Zionism

some sort of meeting of the minds regarding the Polish and German Jews, however, critics question that "admitting even that all th...

The History of Judaism in China

Kaifeng, is a city of half a million people in the Henan province. It holds virtually no reminders of any of its Jewish history (...

Jewish Beliefs and Practices

This paper tracks the history of Jewish beliefs and rituals, from the Matriarchs up to the Hebrew Union College. The author also ...

Messiah as Perceived in the Jewish Faith

Messiahs coming. These questions will be addressed on the following pages. Historical Concept of the Messiah...

Religion and Jewish Women

In four pages this essay discusses women in the Jewish faith within the context of the book entitled Jewish Women in Historical Pe...

Agunot, Marriage, Jewish Women, and England's Shtetls

In six pages this paper discusses Jewish marriage concepts in a comparative analysis of English Shtetls and Jewish women with the ...

Korean War, Stalin and Soviet Union's Agenda

In twelve pages this paper discusses the theory behind the so called Stalinist Agenda with regards to the Korean War and the Thirt...

Capitalism and Europe in the 20th Century

barbarism. Capitalism was at the forefront of crisis during this catastrophic period. Of the primary players that subjecte...

Soviet Union and Stalinist Despotism

individual supports their own interests. Olson writes: "...groups, if they are made up of rational individuals, are also rational...

The Contribution to American History and Jewish American History by Henry Kissinger

a man of great power and a man who apparently worked within all sorts of cultures, working with China and then with Vietnam, earni...