YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Nathaniel Hawthornes Short Stories Including The Birth Mark

Essays 421 - 450

Gilgamesh, Enuma Elish, and Genesis

of creation are vastly different" (Anonymous Selected Portions of the "Enuma Elish" enumaeli.htm). "The six days of creation i...

Gun Crime 'Getting Tough' Laws and Their Lack of Success

checks and a five-day waiting period before purchasing a gun (Miller, 2005). The Clinton administration was encouraged by the pas...

Faulkner's Rose for Emily/Time Imagery

the narrator another instance where the town was concerned about Miss Emily and her home, which was over a smell, an awful smell o...

The Google Story

set their sights high, despite being rejected early on by some potential business partners and investors, and their enthusiasm con...

Examples of Different Humor in Mark Twain

he cannot recall which. But he does remember that "I was not celebrated and I did not give the banquet. I was a Literary Person, b...

Narratives: Redefinition and Redemption

men in blankets who would sexually use little boys as prostitutes. The boys would receive money and so they would be able to eat a...

Tricksters in Joel Chandler Harris' Brer Rabbit Stories and in Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

This paper contrasts and compares how the trickster is presented in Joel Chandler Harris' Brer Rabbit stories and in Mark Twain's ...

Choosing the Right Path in Conflict

The human element can bring two seemingly mutually exclusive tales and ideas together. This essay uses Maus, A Survivor's Tale by ...

Chinua Achebe/Dead Men's Path

"Dead Mens Path." It seems at first glance to be a very straightforward tale. However, as one critic points out, "In the post-Fouc...

Poe’s Tell-Tale Heart

he so closely identifies with him, which is precisely Poes point-the narrators is not normal, but is quite insane. The point of ...

Poe and The Masque of the Red Death

decline, from onset to death, takes but "half an hour" (Poe). In the face of this overwhelming specter of death, Prince Prospero i...

The Biblical Story of Cain and Abel

5 pages and 5 sources used. This paper provides an overview of the Biblical story of Cain and Abel, and relates the importance of...

Conflict and Emotion in Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

This five page paper addresses the themes of conflict and emotion experienced by Hawthorne's characters in The Scarlet Letter. The...

Life and Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne II

In five pages this paper examines Hawthorne's life and critically analyzes the meanings and themes of his writings. Seven sources...

America of the Past and Future in the Writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne and Ralph Waldo Emerson

In five pages the American legacies of Emerson and Hawthorne are considered in a contrast of their lives and writings. Four sourc...

Witches Meeting in 'Young Goodman Brown' by Nathaniel Hawthorne

800 already in operation (Srikanthan 24). The U.S. is in the process of establishing surveillance cameras in cities acros...

Symbolism in 'The Minister's Black Veil' by Nathaniel Hawthorne

In five pages this paper examines how this short story features the author's powerful use of symbolism. Five sources are cited in...

Moral Corruption and Family Deterioration in the Works of William Faulkner and Nathaniel Hawthorne

In eleven pages this paper presents a thematic comparison of the novels by Faulkner and Hawthorne and the common threads of family...

Women's Roles in Works by William Faulkner and Nathaniel Hawthorne

In four pages this paper examines these authors' perceptions of women as they are represented in characterizations of sin and good...

Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

In eight pages this character analysis of Hawthorne's protagonist considers her role and the social conflict she represented. Fiv...

Example of Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

In three pages this essay analyzes the example set by Hester Prynne in a consideration of alienation and Puritan social expectatio...

The Scarlet Letter versus Mao II by Don DeLillo vs. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

In five pages this paper compares DeLillo's and Hawthorne's works in terms of social acceptance and isolation. There are 3 source...

Enslavement in Benito Cereno by Herman Melville and The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

In five pages this paper contrasts and compares the enslavement theme within these short stories from the perspectives of the revo...

Isolation and Sin in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

In three pages this essay analyzes the novel in terms of its representation of such themes as isolation, rebellion, and sin. Ther...

Symbolism and The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

In four pages this paper examines the importance of symbolism in this novel with the emphasis being upon the 'scarlet letter A' re...

Writing Style of Nathaniel Hawthorne in The Scarlet Letter

In nine pages this paper examines the writing style featured in this novel in a consideration of characterization structure and de...

Isolation in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

In seven pages The Scarlet Letter is analyzed in terms of the author's uses of social, mental, and physical isolation. Four other...

Religious Oppression in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

In six pages the oppression that existed in Puritan society is the focus of this analysis of The Scarlet Letter. There are six so...

Romanticism in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

In five pages this paper analyzes the novel in terms of Hawthorne's use of Romanticism. There are no other sources listed....

Dichotomy in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

In five pages this report examines Hawthorne's style of using comparison and dichotomy as it relates to characterizations and scen...