YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare and Enobarbus Role

Essays 271 - 300

The Tragedy of King Richard III by William Shakespeare and the Evil Protagonist

In five pages this paper presents a psychological analysis of Shakespeare's evil protagonist Richard III....

King Lear by William Shakespeare and Natural Law

In 5 pages this paper examines how the Elizabethans perceived natural law in a consideration of how it is represented in William S...

Laertes and Hamlet

In two pages the relationship between Laertes and Hamlet is considered in a discussion of their similiarities and differences as r...

Hamlet is Not Mad

In five pages this paper examines the behavior and speeches of Prince Hamlet as presented in William Shakespeare's famous play and...

William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream and Moon Symbolism

In five pages this paper discusses the significance of the moon symbolism in this analysis of William Shakespeare's comedy A Midsu...

Comparative Analysis of Othello Play and Film

In five pages William Shakespeare's original play is contrasted and compared with Oliver Parker's 1995 cinematic interpretation. ...

Comedy, Appearances, and Reality in Othello by William Shakespeare

only as a representation of misconstrued appearance. As time progresses, Othello - quite arguably the only character with a stell...

Orlando Character in As You Like It by William Shakespeare

is off to university, but Oliver has deprived Orlando of schooling and keeps him living and working on the family, actually Oliver...

Thematic Comparison of Othello and Hamlet

In a paper consisting of 5 pages the theme of betrayal as it is depicted in William Shakespeare's Othello and Hamlet is discussed....

Henry the Fourth, Part I by William Shakespeare and Prince Hal

In ten pages this paper presents a character analysis of Prince Hal as featured in William Shakespeare's historical play within th...

Othello and Emilia's Statement 'Thou hast not half the power to do me harm/As I have to be hurt'

skitters to the old event with a new trigger. It does not matter that it is a new person, a new time, or a new love. The memory...

Iago's Character in William Shakespeare's Othello

In five pages this paper examines how Iago is able to psychologically manipulate others in this character analysis of the antagoni...

Disguise in Three Comedies by William Shakespeare

In ten pages this paper examines how disguise is used in a comparative analysis of William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, M...

Queen Elizabeth and Richard the Third

"Come, Come, we know your meaning, brother Gloster; You envy my advancement, and my friends; God grant we never may have need of y...

Tragic Heroes Prince Hamlet and Willy Loman

In six pages this paper examines the tragic heroes represented by William Shakespeare's title protagonist Hamlet and Willy Loman i...

Literary Self Determination in Women and Sexuality

-- but to deny their husbands sex until the men agree to sign a treaty. It is the women, therefore, who actually end the war. Rea...

William Shakespeare's King Lear, Othello, and Hamlet in Terms of Themes and Dramatic Structures

In five pages the dramatic structures and themes are compared in this examination of a trio of William Shakespeare's plays. Two s...

Penelope of 'The Odyssey' vs. Desdemona of Othello

In three pages Homer's Penelope is compared with William Shakespeare's Desdemona in terms of Desdemona's simplicity and naivete in...

Bernard de Mandeville, William Shakespeare, and Capitalism

moneylender in Venetian society. During the Middle Ages and well into the Renaissance, Venice was one of Europes chief centers of ...

Henry the Sixth by William Shakespeare and the Influence of Niccolo Machiavelli

In twenty pages this paper discusses how the statesmanship concept of Niccolo Machiavelli manifests itself in Parts One, Two, and ...

Hamlet's Character and Revenge

runs the eavesdropper through; the Hamlet who sends his school-fellows [Rosencrantz and Guildenstern] to their death and never tro...

Hesitation of Hamlet in Murdering His Uncle King Claudius

In nine pages this paper examines why Hamlet delayed killing the conspiratorial Claudius in William Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet. ...

Humor's Purpose and Tone of William Shakespeare's Hamlet

other plays by Shakespeare. In fact, the techniques used in Hamlet are used in "Hamlet," "Romeo and Juliet," and "Othello" (Draud...

Madness of Prince Hamlet of Denmark

In three pages this paper analyzes what is meant by Prince Hamlet's 'antic disposition' remark in the first act of William Shakesp...

Madness of Hamlet

In five pages this paper assesses whether or not William Shakespeare's tragic protagonist was truly mad. There are no other sourc...

Tragic Elements of Hamlet by William Shakespeare

slain kings brother, Claudius. In shock and disbelief, Hamlet imagines that his fathers ghost comes to visit him and proclaims, "...

Staging of The Tempest by William Shakespeare and Racism

In six pages this paper discusses how racism issues must be contended with in the staging of William Shakespeare's The Tempest. S...

Mastering the Literary Art

In five pages this paper examines the Holy Bible's Old and New Testaments, 'The Odyssey' of Homer, and William Shakespeare's Hamle...

The Tempest by William Shakespeare and an Actor's Caliban Characterization

In five pages this paper discusses William Shakespeare's final play in an analysis of how Caliban might be depicted by an actor. ...