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Essays 151 - 180

Bush II, Iran-Contra and the Imperial Presidency

they feared that Congress would stop them if it knew of their activities and because they feared, as well, the political consequen...

Randy Roberts and James S. Olson's A Line in the Sand, the Alamo in Blood and Memory

he was God" (6). As each man is introduced by the authors, such as William Barret Travis, the leader of the Texans; Davy Crockett,...

Proposition for a School iBook Upgrade

time while currently gaining the greatest utility from the hardware it has and is about to acquire. The Mac OS X Server v10...

Middle East Economic Development

politically with the Greco-Roman world under the rule of Constantinople" (History, 2005). The situation didnt change until the 7t...

Master of Liberal Arts' Program Letter of Educational Intent

no study of economics can be complete without including a focus on the issues of globalization. Whereas companies sought to enter...

Literature and Issues of Gender and Race

how Over three thousand die in the Macondo massacre, and the only surviving witnesses are Jose Arcadio Segundo and a small child. ...

Machivellian Foundations Built Upon by Montesquieu, Locke, and Hobbes

a prince ... cannot observe all of those virtues for which men are reputed good, because it is often necessary to act against merc...

Living Within the US Poverty Standard

the country. There is not a great deal of industry in the area; housing is relatively inexpensive. The Tennessee participant pay...

Haunted America by Patricia Limerick

people who eventually fought each other had prior history together. "Before whites and Indians would feel inclined to fight each o...

Western Civilization Research Documents Summarized

on twelve clay tablets. The epic tale is of a Babylonian king, two-thirds god and one-third man. Another key character in the stor...

Overview of Remote Sensing

long time. In the 1800s, "cameras were positioned above the Earths surface in balloons or kites to take oblique aerial photograph...

A Needs Assessment for Diabetes Education in New York City

provide the physician interface. Beyond these duties are the operational and administrative duties required in this type of facil...

What Could Have Been Done to Save Enron

Enron, a publicly held company, was once a top provider of electricity but ended up in Chapter 11 bankruptcy ("Enron," 2002). Pr...

American Experience of the Orthodox Jews and the Amish

is similar in many ways to the Amish. This is particularly true in regard to the role their women have played in their culture. ...

Food Budgeting in Relation to the US Poverty Standard

lower than in other parts of the country. There is not a great deal of industry in the area; housing is relatively inexpensive. ...

Overview of the Gus Giordano Jazz Dance Chicago

company (which took on the name Gus Giordano Dance Company) was televised live frequently on WTTW-TV, which was Chicagos public te...

Economic or Political Foundation for International Law

and less important, as seen with both Ancient Greeks as well as the ancient Chinese (Bederman, 1979). As the world has developed f...

Overview of Trade Unions and Their Functions

European Union Treaty. The Competition Bill is intended to clarify the numerous ineffective laws currently on British Books and i...

'Blame Game' and Criminal Law

is the blame in this particular scenario -- especially if the evidence overwhelmingly points toward the defendants guilt? And isn...

Analysis of Modernism in Lines 340 to 434 of 'The Waste Land' by T.S. Eliot

bottle we buy. All we have to do is look at the contents of most plastic bottles such as for shampoo, lotion, juices, and milk, an...

A Deuteronomy Structural Analysis

chapter, and discusses what God has done for the people of Israel. In this Sermon, Moses relates the actions that were taken that...

Economists Thomas Malthus, David Ricardo, and Adam Smith

laissez faire held sway. In short, Smiths thought was that if the market and economy were basically left alone, that theyd functio...

A Review of The American Privateers by Donald Chidsey

or her to make allowances for the various aspects of the book that seem somewhat sensationalized or overblown. It will also serve ...


what actually transpired over the three-day conflagration and the resurrection that immediately followed. What transpired during ...

Science And Religion: History's Ultimate Test

beginning of unique aspirations - as well as troubled alliances - within scientific and religious societies in relation to an orig...

Russian History's Inconsistencies and Dichotomies

Great," 2003). Peter the Great was somewhat obsessed with creating a Russia that was separate and apart from Asia as well. His St....

The Contribution to American History and Jewish American History by Henry Kissinger

a man of great power and a man who apparently worked within all sorts of cultures, working with China and then with Vietnam, earni...

Ancient History's Contemporary Social Influence

writing was the mainstay of civilised life. A seated scribe holding a papyrus roll was one of the most popular subjects in their e...

History's 'Longest War'

to shift his ground until he agreed with the allies (McCollum, 2003). Germany would be made to pay. "Unfortunately, rather than ...

Ten of History’s Greatest Mathematicians

1585 The beginning rudiments of mathematics began practically at the beginning of mans reign on the earth. The first indiv...