YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :American History
Essays 1 - 30
5 pages and 3 sources. This paper outlines the different elements of Black American history, with a focus on the significant role...
a man of great power and a man who apparently worked within all sorts of cultures, working with China and then with Vietnam, earni...
my opinion, yet I consider our condition but little better than that....After all, methinks there are no chains so galling as thos...
In nine pages cultural anthropology is applied to the culture of the Japanese Americans in hopes of understanding their U.S. histo...
to be worse than eccentric. The early Puritans, as they called themselves, believed that the church should purge itself of any ri...
In 5 pages this paper examines the history of Latin America as it actually existed in a comparison with the period spirit evoked b...
In four pages this paper discusses the high price tag attached to freedom for slaves, women, and soldiers throughout American hist...
In five pages this comprehensive American history text is examined in terms of the author's detailed consideration of the U.S. cri...
In seven pages this paper examines how the concept of the nuclear family and sexual perceptions developed in America during the ni...
Confederate owner (Emancipation Proclamation PG). In 1861, Congress passed an act that classified all slaves who had been used in...
Short essays are included in this three page paper with on page being a letter that is written to Winston Churchill by Indian lead...
In four pages the Americas of the preColombian era are examined in terms of the bias of historical representation as a result of a...
In five page this paper examines how US Presidents have shaped the course of history in America. Three sources are cited in the b...
This paper examines the impact of Thomas Jefferson's presidency upon the history of America in five pages . Six sources are cited...
In five pages five centuries of American history are considered in an analysis of significant quotes with political movements, civ...
revolutionary Americans divided up into planter democrats and capitalist elitists. According to another school, the basic division...
in the world, the nation that had not been directly or severely attacked by a foreign enemy since its founding was attacked (The H...
vision, no true identity, and certainly does not connect with his African American culture. His mother, however, changes some o...
"Americans" from European backgrounds would have been unable to imagine that one nation could be as vast as the United States even...
end-of-the-track towns called hell-on-wheels" (The Iron Road). Explosions and avalanches were commonplace for the Chinese crews, ...
In five pages this paper examines pre Revolutionary War America in terms of the concept of the equality ideology and how it was in...
In seven pages this paper evaluates 3 U.S. history websites on the Federalist Papers, war, and the Executive Branch for student re...
In five pages this paper contrasts the differences in the historical interpretations of early America by Mary Rowlandson, Bernal D...
even if it has any kind of future at all - can be discussed and determined. The good news for the labor...
In five pages the deviance of skinheads as they are cinematically depicted is examined. Five sources are cited in the bibliograph...
a long way. It is difficult to be entirely objective, when one remembers the Rodney King beating or the OJ trial. According to D...
book when copying a page, to get all of it to copy -kind of like trying to even out the hill the book makes on the copy plate. Th...
as some type of punishment. According to Burkin (1999), the question of the black "freedmen" was also a thorny one. Some politic...
In five pages this paper considers three questions supplied by a student that include the popular Native American savage concept i...
Lincoln developed a reasonable Reconstruction plan to stitch the nation back together again. But again, remember we are talking a...