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Essays 1 - 30

Law and Private Security

In twelve pages this paper discusses private security in a consideration law enforcement and security profession differences. Sev...

Police and Private Security

police force can no longer cope with the law enforcement demands of local communities. It is certainly the case that there have be...

Macroeconomic Effects of the "Public Option"

goal of totally reforming all of US healthcare has been shelved, with the focus now being exclusively on health insurance. The na...


in his or her favor (Sixth Amendment, 2012). Finally we have the Fourteenth Amendment. Though not part of the original Bill of Rig...

Safeguards and Penalties for Improper Use of Data and U.S. Law

to criminal issues were not sufficient to address computer fraud. To an extent, wire and mail fraud issues were addressed in the p...

Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)

Security; Governance Rule of Law & Human Rights; Infrastructure & Natural Resources; Education; Health; Agriculture & Rural Develo...

Economy Needs in 2008

Founded in 1971 and known for its rabid cost-consciousness and sound management, Southwest Airlines leading claim to fame has been...

Positive and Negative Aspects of Private Security

This paper consists of five pages and assesses private security's positive and negative aspects and concludes that it represents t...

Private Security is No Security

in Colombia" (CSC/DynCorp). They were called "Colombias Coke-Bustin Broncos" by Soldier of Fortune Magazine, the bible for mercena...

DOE and its Illegal Actions

The United States Department of Energy, in its attempt to prop us a uranium enrichment company that was failing, arranged for enri...

Lane v. Franks 2014

In 2006, Lane fired an employee because she never came to work and refused to do so. She sued. Lane was fired and filed a lawsuit....

Article Analysis: Public School vs. Private School

Location - parents might move to get into a better school district. Also consider how far the private school is; might not b...

A Review of The American Privateers by Donald Chidsey

or her to make allowances for the various aspects of the book that seem somewhat sensationalized or overblown. It will also serve ...

New Private Investigation Agency Marketing

In seven pages this paper examines opening a private investigation business in a consideration of the 4P's marketing plan....

'The Case for H.R. 1534: Equal Access to the Courts' Critiqued

In five pages the Private Property Rights Implementation Act of 1997 is examined in terms of implications....

College Campuses and Date Rape

In ten pages college campuses and the incidences of acquaintance or date rape are examined in terms of information, statistics, se...

Public Administration v. Private Administration

In 5 pages this paper contrasts and compares private and public administration with similarities and differences discussed....

Private and Public Space Commercialization

that we have filled the cultural void of popular culture. The effect of media on popular culture is world wide. Often times this...

Cyer Law Privacy v. Security

Businesses have an interest in free information flows. Businesses are also under a threat from cyber criminals and terrorists. Whi...

Employers Monitoring Computer Use

There is no single comprehensive law that covers employee privacy rights or what types of privacy an employee should expect. Due t...

Directors Duties in Australia - The Influence of the Centro Case

and the Centro Retail Group. In the former $1.5 billion of liabilities which should have been classified as short term liabilities...

The Language of Security

to life and limb, in the case of security for an organisations, while this may be a physical threat, it may also be a threat in t...

Security Introduction

In forty pages this paper discusses U.S. security in an introduction to a paper including such topics as technology, security mana...

Preventing Crime and the Role of Law Enforcement

both in the business community as well as in the private sector. "Business Watch" of the Seattle Police Department is designed to...

Establishment of a VPM

no long distance phone charges. While a telephone bill may seem to be a minor expense, when many employees access an 800 number, t...

Finding Ways to Fight Terrorism

the acts and (2) why they commit the acts. It was one of our own citizens who planned and executed the Oklahoma City...

Private Security Industry and Increased Powers

law enforcement in general: the role of the police has changed and developed considerably in the past twenty years, and part of th...

Private Security and Public Police Relationship Improvements

the least of which included the concept of community policing. If communities were going to come together, it had to begin with t...

Post September 11th Changes in Private Security

dark. In this capacity, then, private security has begun to assume some of the duties of the regular police force. Consider...

Virtual Private Network Between the U.S. and Malaysia and Security Concerns

to consider the complications that might be involved in establishing a virtual private network between Washington and Kuala Lumpur...