YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Rights for Women in the 19th Century Play A Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen

Essays 241 - 270

Indians by Arthur Kopit

putting on a play for the President and the First Lady is obviously designed to make the viewer angry (i.e. this is the "most piss...

Women Servants' Treatment in England During the 19th Century

the massive scope of mortality, with some contending that natural rights are those that are without social infiltration, while oth...

19th Century Literary Heroines The Woman in White and Madame Bovary

In five pages this paper considers the Victorian concept of feminine identity as depicted in Wilkie Collins' The Woman in White an...

Post 19th Century Indian Women and How They Have Progressed

a degree. Indian women too, however, are slowly gaining momentum in terms of equal rights. While in nineteenth century Ind...

Pleasure and 19th Century Women in the Paintings of Mary Cassatt

In seven pages this research paper examines the jouissance or pleasure artist Mary Cassatt exhibits in her 19th century Impression...

Men's and Women's Earning Power in America

that these girls and women were paid were considered high at that time. As long as labor was scarce, workers were too valuable to...

'True' Womanhood Visions

who comes to love Mag and he persuades her to marry him. This step, of course, completes Mags ostracism from white society. "She w...

Women's Rights Movement and Contributions of the Antislavery Movement

In response to this exclusion, the first ever convention was held to discuss womens rights, and this took place in Seneca Falls, N...

The Body Project by J.J. Brumberg

counterparts. Rather than a lack of information about their bodies and sex, a situation that was common in the nineteenth century,...

20th Century Women's Suffrage Movement

In six pages this paper examines the evolution of women's suffrage throughout the 20th century as it included the Progressive Move...

Ninteenth Century Women in Anton Chekhov's 'The Lady With the Dog' and Kate Chopin's 'The Story of an Hour'

by curiosity, I wanted something better" (Chekhov). However, the better life that she imagined did not materialize with her marria...

Sexuality During the 12th Century

practices were dictated by the church or by the state, there were certain rules and regulations which governed the act, and in fac...

A Discussion of Caretakers of Our Common House by Carol Lakey Hess

values within mixed religious communities and they grow from this socialization, women too need an environment where they can asse...

Nineteenth Century Great Britain, Middle Class and Working Women

self worth and capabilities that remained in the forefront of their adult lives. For nineteenth century British working cla...

Roles of Women in Mary Barton and Madame Bovary

In five pages this paper examines the domestic boundaries that dictated the roles of women during the 19th century in a considerat...

Christianity and Obstacles Confronting Women

held positions in various states.She also taught at a different seminary and later began her own .In Philadelphia, Bonney and a fr...

French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen and Women's Condition Changes

The same situation followed women for much of the next two centuries. It persists today in even the most developed nations; still...

Roles of Women in Leo Tolstoy, Ivan Ilyich and Anna Karenina

to them" (Rowe, 3). Intensely shy, he was nonetheless intensely sexual, and this was to present problems for him for the rest of h...

Sphereland and Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott

In five pages Abbott's 19th century work is analyzed in terms of its presentation of women as inferior that was meant to serve at ...

Yinka Shonibare/A Flying Machine for Every Man, etc.

of Shonibares characters via their clothing. While Victorian in style, the design for the wax fabrics originated in the Dutch colo...

Dying a Slow Death by Blankets - Lysistrata

thing. CLEONICE (wearily) And is it thick too? LYSISTRATA...

Women in Yellow Wallpaper and The Changeling

lesser creatures than men. In relationship to medical science, which involves Gilmans story a great deal, one author notes how, "I...

Sophocles, Gilman & Browning/Oppressed Women

finer points of interpretation. However, the general consensus, down through the ages, is that Sophocles main theme had to do with...

Women's Voices on Africa, Patricia Romero

This book review is on Women's Voice on Africa: A Century of Travel Writing, which is edited by Patricia Romero. This text offers ...

Gender, 19th Century Medicine and "The Yellow Wallpaper"

How patriarchy influenced the treatment of women in the 19th century is the focus of this analytical paper based on Charlotte Perk...

Objectifying Male Dominance Over the Female in "My Last Duchess" and "Porphyria's Lover" by Robert Browning

How the male need to transform women into objects and possessions in order to control them existed in 19th century society is exam...

She Stoops to Conquer by Oliver Goldsmith

This essay focuses on the 1773 play by Oliver Goldsmith, "She Stoops to Conquer," which is an eighteenth century play that is stil...

Segregation in the 21 Century

Diversity remains political economic challenge even in this new century. This paper reviews racial housing segregation as it has ...

20th Century Glimpses in the 19th Century Poetry of Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson

In five pages these poets' visions of the next century are examined in a consideration of their respective works. Five sources ar...

Private and Public Lives of Lyndon Johnson

In eight pages Lyndon Johnson is examined in a consideration of the texts Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream by Doris Kearns Go...