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Essays 1 - 30

The Plot Against Jesus

This essay discusses verses in Matthew 26. This section begins right after Jesus has been teaching to the people but now He begins...

Matthew 22:34-46

teaches that "all of the Law and the Prophets rest on the command to love God and neighbor (22:34-40)" (Kozar 78). Matthew 22:34...

Jesus’ Kingdom

5 pages that examine Jesus’ teachings and his time at Caesarea Philippi. There are 6 sources....

The Historical Jesus in 3 Views

the context of Jewish salvation history (Sanders 88). Nevertheless, the issue of Jesus supernatural birth, as related in the gospe...

How Jesus Is Described In The Gospel Of Matthew

phrase could mean the individual had a special relationship with God, therefore, they must learn the meaning of this in terms of J...

Jesus As Messiah, Prophet And Son Of Man

Later in Luke, we read "The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men . . . ." (Luke 24:7). In the Acts of the Apo...

The Beatitudes in Matthew

cognitively prepare the hearer for the evangelical message of salvation that will soon follow and the third interpretation is that...

Jesus Of History, Jesus Of Faith

means of research" (Merrigan and Haers, 2000, p. 61). In other words, Meier was saying it is impossible for us, today, to obtain t...

The Jesus Myth by Andrew Greeley

edification of readers who seek, like him, to try to deepen their understanding of Christianity. In accomplishing this task, Gre...

Outline for a Longer Paper on Jesus Christ II

called Christ). "When He comes, He will tell us all things." Jesus said to her, "I who speak to you am He" (John 4:25-26). III. J...

Jesus's Names and Paul the Apostle

various letters. As this letter opens, Paul greets the Thessalonians, who have suffered many persecutions for their beliefs, ye...

In Search of Jesus

Jesus was found in the Temple teaching Priests and Scribes about the law (Scott, 2000). At age 30, Jesus began His ministry. He g...

Jesus in the Qua-ran and in the Bible

is now dead (Jesus - The Quranic View, 2003). Those who would consider Jesus to be God, the Son of God, or part of a trinity are ...

Gospel Of Matthew

well as with the earthly King David, through Joseph, who acknowledges Jesus as his son (Brown, 1997). Joseph is in the line of Dav...

Jesus as King in Matthew

the "restored kingdom of David" (Hahn 28). Matthews Gospel perfectly typifies what Augustine meant when he commented that the "N...

Matthew on Jesus

For example, when Jesus metaphorically gives Peter the "keys to the kingdom," Jesus refers to a verse in Isaiah that speaks of the...

Book Summary Keener on Jesus

Jesus is an historical figure. He lived on earth, He called His disciples, He died, and He rose from the dead. The events reported...

Last Supper Accounts

Jesus was both human and Divine as is reflected in many parts of the New Testament. This paper discusses the account of the Last S...

Teachings of the Historical Jesus

are knowledgeable about one fact of Christianity that the Christian worshipper is not, there is limited historical facts to establ...

An Analysis of The Matrix

not-so-classic sci-fi approach in the storytelling process allows the audience to wonder along with the main character, Neo, if it...

Title Significance of A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams

In two pages this essay analyzes the play's title significance and how it influences both plot and characterization....

William Shakespeare's Hamlet Performing Arts Review

In four pages this review includes discussion of character and plot development, staging, and considers how they support the actio...

Supernatural in Macbeth and Hamlet by William Shakespeare

This paper consists on five pages and analyzes how within these tragedies the Bard relies heavily upon the supernatural for struct...

Supporting Character Chief Bromden in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey

In five pages this essay discusses the importance of the Chief to the novel's structure, plot, and flow of the action....

Thornton Wilder's 'Our Town'

This paper consists of 5 pages and discusses plot, purpose, characterizations, structural strategy and how the conclusion reflects...

Tolkein and Fellowship of the Ring

tale is primarily told in a book titled "The Hobbit," wherein he has many adventures and comes into possession of the one ring of ...

David Mamet's Pulitzer Prize Winning Play Turned Movie Glengarry Glen Ross

In five pages this paper discusses the 1992 film adaptation of David Mamet's play in terms of plot and performance....

The Classic Film Casablanca

The writer explores the plot, characters, setting and other elements of the 1942 classic film Casablanca, starring Humphrey Bogart...

Jesus and Socrates

For example, Bostick (1935) makes copious use of footnotes, drawing on the works of Plato and Xenophon, who were two of Socrates d...

Personal Christology

acceptable sacrifice capable of redeeming the sins of humanity. My personal beliefs (meaning the beliefs of the student, not thi...